for the moment because i’m on a timeline only a simple hardmask, maybe in two parts but thats all i m realistic enough that i know my limit for my first try
for the moment because i’m on a timeline only a simple hardmask, maybe in two parts but thats all i m realistic enough that i know my limit for my first try
Dosen’t matter because you don’t want them there and kick them out. Fucking Morons
Auch wieder war
Nobody is so dumb enough to try to talk people out of going to america, because you idiots kick them out yourself XD
Lächerlich, dass wir Polizei bzw. Gerichtsresourcen dafür verschwenden die anzuzeigen. Ich finde es gut dass die sich wo abgelegtes getroffen haben. Und sie scheinen ja genug Verstand zu haben dass niemand bleibende Schäden davon getragen hat.
Thats fucking Funny. i would prefer this as online ID, instead of scan your Face, please Scan your …
had the same problem with my wlan. fixed it with installing Firmware Package i had an Marvel Wifi Chip
so ein motorad ist halt kein mercedes auf der linken spur und so ein Elefant kein Sprinterfahrer
putty for ssh (Commandline) Rustdesk for Video
My hope is that in 5 years its supported enough to run on a Homeserver, without config and treiber issus. I hope Projekt like these give enough uplift for developers to get this train startet
i put it on my list of services to implement. I would have liked to run it through a vpn, because i don’t want my IP landing on some list, but i understand why they don’t want that.
Nice Job, looks really clean
When you upgrade only one Spec tree
gut gut. als erstes machen wir die NSA-Stützpunkte platt. Spioniert in eurem eigenen Land.
Mit Trumps Politik brauchen die eh alle Mann im Inland.
i also have a 6700xt but i don’t get ollama running on it. it only defaults to the cpu ryzen 5600 I plan to tackle this problem on a free weekend and now i have a new Reason for solving it.
I have the same Observation
Me: looks up from the Keyboard “Then i think i will install something else and debloat it so that it fits my needs.”
But apple had Usb-C years before on IPad these scumbags withhold it only from Iphone so that you had ti buy a sepearate Cable Fuck Apple
Ja und alles U35 hat keine Meinung
I heard there is a free place in the NATO after the Usa exit ;)