
The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.

The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.

Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.

    16 days ago

    Im not American so I probably didn’t see a lot of this but my lasting impression was a lot of blustering and shit slinging but no real action or substance. Like everything he tried or promised either didn’t get done or was half arsed. Basically i saw it as incompetence and damage through inaction rather than the malicious active damage he is doing now.

      16 days ago

      You are partially right. For US Presidents, implementing policy is much harder than declaring it, something IIRC Bush and Obama echoed.

      But on top of that, Trump had a lot of guardrails in the first term, a lot of old school Republicans and “regular” cabinet that watered down whatever ideas he had.

      That is no longer the case. It’s only loyalists egging each other on now. And there’s already a lot more bite, it’s just so much that it’s hard to process.

      • Monument
        15 days ago

        And this time he has a clear plan written by people who know that Trump doesn’t have to be successful or competent in his execution of the plan to achieve their aims.

        For all of the agencies that Project 2025 wants to privatize, redirect the budget from, or “make them run like a business,” the first step is breaking the agency before even looking to move to that next purported step. So it doesn’t matter if they get their plan 100% enacted. A small success in any realm is billions on the pockets of capitalists, and changes that can’t be easily undone.

      15 days ago

      He did a huge amount of harm to our government. Not quite like this time, where most of what he is doing is outright illegal and is essentially a soft coup, but really bad nonetheless - just mostly aimed at making him money and getting/keeping political power instead of destryoying the country. Much of that was outright illegal, but a lot of it was just breaches of “norms” and “decorum”.

      I literally can’t fit it all into one comment, its so much and such a convoluted web of schemes and lies and crimes and support from other politicians/lawyers/the media. And every day was something new. I followed all the legal cases relating to his admin back in the first term - it was hard to keep up with even while it was all happening. Much of the reason he was never charged or indicted for so much of what he did is that you can’t criminally indict a sitting president.

      The Mueller investigation into the Trump administration’s conduct with Russian political operatives found that he more than likely illegally colluded with Russia to the detriment of the US and to defraud and disenfranchise voters, but literally couldn’t charge Trump since he was a sitting president - hoping instead that someone would pick up the investigation when he could be charged. It is notable that that investigation produced 37 indictments and 7 convictions/guilty pleas, referred 14 more cases to DoJ for prosecution, and recovered like $48M in misappropriated government funds (the investigation cost $32M, so it was actually profitable). So, this investigation couldn’t prosecute Trump, but 34 people in his administration were indicted and the findings of the report suggested they would have prosecuted Trump if they were legally allowed to. That says all you need to know, IMO.

        15 days ago

        Not being able to indict a sitting president is the biggest bullshit policy of all time. Nobody should be above the law, especially the people in power.

          15 days ago

          It was also only based upon a DOJ memo of some sorts for a long time. The “Supreme Court”'s recent decision though makes it seem like the only legal remedy for an active criminal president is to impeach and then convict and remove them first.

        15 days ago

        It drove me crazy how much people acted like the Mueller investigation exonerated Trump completely. It absolutely did not and everyone just dropped the topic after it came out. Even Rachel Maddow who seemed to be desperately chasing her Woodward and Bernstein moment with her coverage of the investigation seemed to stop talking about the investigation as soon as the report came out as if there wasn’t anything to talk about, even though a bunch of Trump allies were charged and convicted for engaging in secret dealings with agents related to Russia.

        15 days ago

        This becomes what russian hegemonic law looks like in the US. The DOJ does whatever the Kremlin wants or needs on this, a sharp departure from other administrations or even other jurisdictions such as blue states. We become a patchwork of neomedieval geoplitical clashes constantly caught in between the jurisprudential spheres of entirely conflicting global and financial agendas. Individual politicians and public servants serving throughout the government become agents of different global factions and different hegemonies and the people are continually subjected not just to unstable and unreliable patterns of legal text and texts indicating some kind of public policy but to endlessly shifting pretext of every type to the jurisprudence and statecraft themselves. The federal government has been collapsing for a while but this just makes it faster than it has been.

      15 days ago

      Yeah, his first time around there were people who kept his worst ideas from being realized and drove away the worst of his associates. This time around those people are gone and he is surrounded by those associates and even worse people like Musk.

        15 days ago

        I remember stories from Trump’s first term about how his handlers had to babysit him and do things like hide his rough drafts of orders planning to go to war (he’d calm down and forget about them by the next day). It reminds me of the (hopefully apocryphal) story of how Nixon had to be lead to bed when he got roaring drunk and started threatening to nuke North Korea.

        The staffers also preserved the documents he (illegally) shredded as a matter of habit, so scholars will hopefully be able to piece together what was going on in that hot mess someday.

        None of those handlers are there this term. Trump spent the four years since his first term campaigning and gathering a crew of sycophantic parasites to do his bidding, and we have no view into what’s going on behind closed doors. The “checks and balances” every American was taught about as a child seem to be doing nothing, with him flagrantly ignoring them without reprisal.

        I hope the US gets out of this as an intact democracy and without alienating every single ally in existence. People here don’t seem to realize how bad an antagonistic America would be - they have the military and logistics to take on half the world without nukes, and Trump has been very open (almost giddy) about his willingness to use those.

        And a civil war would be worse since the government is wholly controlled by what most would should consider the bad guys and the military is trained to follow the chain of command, and Trump is openly purging top officials and replacing them with loyalists.

        Ugh, sorry for the rant. The last decade has been exhausting.

          15 days ago

          Welp. This kind of makes sense. He’s hard to read because he’s obviously stupid but he isn’t only doing obvious stupid things, so that reading meaning into his words and actions feels like reading tea leaves. I think he’s kind of like a dumb, reactive bull and his handlers are goading him and corralling him into breaking only the things they want broken, or leaving him occupied with what they don’t care about.

          Sorry, I know it’s unfair but trump is the responsibility of american society and american people. It’s down to Americans to stop him, preferably before he unleashes war on the rest of us. It also needs to happen sooner rather than later, as it will only get harder to get them out.

          I’ve got an idea. Aside from marching etc - Every sane person go outside and bang a pot at 8pm – every evening. This is a safer way to protest, not too inconvenient but its loud, noticeable and gets reported in the news.

          15 days ago

          I hope the US gets out of this as an intact democracy and without alienating every single ally in existence.

          It’s about 50/50 whether the US will be able to maintain any semblance of democracy.

          The alliances are effectively dead already. Dropping military support to a country during an active war is a huge no-no. No one will ever trust the US ever again. It doesn’t matter if there’s a Democrat president in 2029, no one can trust the American people to not vote in a betrayer like Trump again. The first time Trump was president, it was like “they didn’t know who they were voting for.” Just a bump in the road of democracy. This time, Americans knew what they were voting for.

          And we talk to Americans on the internet, we know that Americans don’t respect their allies. The soldiers of allied countries that sacrificed everything in Afghanistan and Iraq doesn’t even register with most Americans. There is too little sense of honour in the American population. Americans only care about money now, and that’s not a motivation that can be trusted by anyone.

          Sorry, but Americans are too untrustworthy for meaningful alliances to be possible.

            15 days ago

            And we talk to Americans on the internet, we know that Americans don’t respect their allies. The soldiers of allied countries that sacrificed everything in Afghanistan and Iraq doesn’t even register with most Americans. There is too little sense of honour in the American population. Americans only care about money now, and that’s not a motivation that can be trusted by anyone.

            I agree that how the US treated its allies is abominable (our abandonment of local guides and translators, who were promised a place in America for risking the lives of themselves and their families, to be murdered by the Taliban/ISIS should be persecuted as a crime - not to mention the minorities left to die to appease larger powers, such as the Kurds, Armenians, and now Ukrainians). However, most Americans don’t know about any of this.

            Most Americans are living in a bubble that hides or vastly distorts anything outside of it. Our media is hyper-focused on a narrow band of issues that gets guaranteed views (mostly culture wars that said media invented or spread in the first place) and only pays lip service to anything outside of that. For many, “news” means pithy one-liners and relentless attacks on the other side. They’re told some minor issue is the single most important thing right now and are so whipped up they don’t look outside to see the world is burning. The right-wing media is an endless parade of hate, while the left complains about said right while offering no solutions. Neutral media is a joke, and foreign news has no foothold outside individual posts being shared if they agree with a person’s existing position. Major news gets cycled out after mere days and is quickly buried by the next meaningless story. It’s a constant cavalcade of worthless noise that obscures any actual reporting.

            If America could somehow shrug off the 24-jour news hype cycle and see what’s actually happening in the world, I think you’d find there’s a great deal of empathy in the populace - it’d be hard to stir up an audience if they didn’t care about something. Sadly, I can’t see such a thing ever happening - the biggest shakeup in news this decade was Fox being called “woke” and what was once tabloid trash becoming accepted sources amongst the right, even getting dedicated reporting positions in the government while traditional media was kicked out. So if anything it’s only going to get worse, with the addiction to drama and outrage leading half the country even further into isolation and delusion.

      15 days ago

      But the powerful people behind the scenes who are using him as a figurehead learned a lot from his first term and have been developing their plans for years since then. Biden winning a term just gave them more time to work on it. Though there’s still chaos like last time (so we don’t pay attention to the Project 2025 actions ), we see the lightning-fast implementation of their agenda from Day One: Schedule F (getting rid of civil service workers to be replaced with loyalists), firing the inspectors general to remove a major obstacle to implementing, the rash of executive orders for everything from the shibboleth “Gulf of America” to declaring a national state of emergency to clear the way for everything else. Trump’s impulsivity can sometimes get in the way, but he’s otherwise the perfect figurehead because he also agrees with the agenda.