I’m sure they know, it makes sense. They thought Marx and Engels were writing a bit of satire, or at least hoped.
I mean this in three sense that it makes sense as a joke a dumb shit liberal who’s not read a word of political or economic theory would make. It’s the comedian’s trick, telling a bs story that even if the audience knows it’s bs doesn’t detract from the joke. Fitting too, since much like most reactionary western comics, they’re both illiterate and unfunny.
I’m sure they know, it makes sense. They thought Marx and Engels were writing a bit of satire, or at least hoped.
I mean this in three sense that it makes sense as a joke a dumb shit liberal who’s not read a word of political or economic theory would make. It’s the comedian’s trick, telling a bs story that even if the audience knows it’s bs doesn’t detract from the joke. Fitting too, since much like most reactionary western comics, they’re both illiterate and unfunny.