I guess the apologists are now saying that Peterson’s old stuff was good ”before he turned into a right wing crank”, but that doesn’t even make sense, he was whining about pronouns before 12 Rules was published, it was the first time I ever heard of him.
The book is full of right-wing crank as well.
I’ve never read it, but I’ve heard from some friends who tried reading 12 Rules that it’s trash. One of them also tried to read his first book Maps of Meaning, and I’m not surprised that his attempt to be a serious thinker failed to make any kind of impact, hence his pivot into Quora self help slop.
Never read it either, but have heard some parts read out loud in some podcast, it’s nonsense. It’s just incoherent pseudo-intellectual drivel.
Peterson is like a prelude to the LLMs, a pseudo-science bullshit generator.
Oh, so ChatGPT is more qualified than somebody with a doctorate after all…
I first heard of him when he was making the "compelled* pronoun claims at the university/college he worked at, and thought, “Damn, that’s crazy.” But then five minutes of searching turned up scores of Canadian legal experts pointing out he was full of shit on every level. Ok, no surprise there except how brazenly batshit he was.
Thought that was the end of it. Nope, he parlayed it into a whole career and is now a household name, cool. Exact same arch as those former military/police/scientist dudes who start writing books on Sasquatch and actually end up making millions and being celebrities in their subculture, except it’s just our whole culture.
Chuds really did take his claim that the SJW police would arrest you for misgendering* at face value back then.
Honestly infuriating to read. None of his position have changed, he just uses more explicit language today, so is the reason were supposed to oppose reactionary ideas that they speak in a mean way and not because of what those ideas contain?
Also his first book was written way before it and is just unhinged slop.
According to people who know him, he’s always been like this. Like, he was a weird 16 year old obsessed with Solzhenitsyn and Stalin and how no one was taking the threat of communism seriously.
I feel like if someone says their favorite book is Self Help Slop they HAVE TO follow with up with at least 2 paragraphs of a detailed explanation about why, how the book helped and what issues they have.
Otherwise they just sound crazy
It’s like saying your favorite book is a cookbook. Cookbooks are great, don’t get me wrong, but we’re gonna need a vetting process to make sure you aren’t an alien in disguise.
Yeah, I like this take a lot. Honestly even if their favorite book was something like Capitalist Realism or the Shock Doctrine I’d probably be like “ok that’s cool you’ve also read that comrade…but really what’s your actual favorite”. I have read and gotten a lot out of both those, but my actual favorite book is a sappy scifi time travel romance novel.
Eh I like my fiction but there’d definitely be some of those kinds of books that could make a case for being my favourite. Sometimes a story told (in the very loose sense) is just more exciting and stimulating when it’s about the real world
Yeah…I worry I made it sound like I don’t believe people like that actually exist and/or that they don’t deserve romance/intimacy which absolutely wasn’t my point. Those books are worth reading and I don’t mean to judge people for liking what they like…I was just saying that if your legit idea of a curl up and reread something on a rainy day book is one of those…eh…really glad to have you in the vanguard but maybe we’re not a romantic match.
Damn, Debt is like the first book I recommend to people. Its very accessible. Maybe I’m missing out lol (I like movies for fiction over books, and books for non-fiction)
Debt The first 5000 years and Palo Alto are two of my favorites
Commenting to boost David Graeber. Debt was a wonderful book, and we’re all poorer without David.
You should definitely read Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris as well.
I’ll add it to the list, thanks!
“for the first time in my life i felt like i had a dad. he told me to clean my room. i haven’t done it yet but the seed has been planted and i have been considering it for as long as i’ve been reading through this book- about 3 years. i’m on rule 2 out of 12”
Yeah exactly! Who cares who wrote the book, choosing generic self help as your big important book is just sad.
There Reddit goes, being overly charitable to someone they claim they don’t like.
Right-wingers make sure they have nothing nice to say for our side.
I love how the comments are disagreeing with OP - who thought to farm karma uncontested, and instead now is disproven by most.
It’s honestly disgusting also to see the internet’s average attitude of picking as enemies certain people that they dont like, would this be for their ideas or for their attitude on certain issues/matters.
They forget that there are professionals behind the characters who might even excel in what they do, and that therefore you are nobody to arbitrarly invalidate all their works just because you’re 18 and you see the world either in black or in white. Learn the grey.
This is straight cancel culture, and its ridiculous because should start learning how to separate the professional life of high profilo and the actual persons behind these characters. If someone is the best plumber, but has been in jail for 15 years for sexual offences against minors, iwill I wouldnt care about that. Well, probably id not leave my kid around anectol
If someone is the best plumber, but has been in jail for 15 years for sexual offences against minors, iwill I wouldnt care about that.
, no shock they don’t care about that.
No one forced them to offer that example! They could have just not said that!
Mfer coulda used in jail for theft or some financial tax crime as an example. Hell even just assault. This is what redditor goes to for an example…
Very normal people conjure fictional scenarios where they hang out with pedophiles
Even in this hypothetical situation where the best plumber in the world is a pedophile, you can just hire one of the many non-pedophile good enough plumbers. Why would you want the convicted pedophile in your house?
No call out fee because the redditor lives on the same street that is 2000 ft from any schools.
Booking a plumbing appointment on AIM
straight cancel culture
I take personal offense to that. I don’t want my cancel culture, under any circumstances, to be perceived as straight.
Lol Wtf is that last paragraph Jesus have mercy
Learn the grey.
dog whistle ass answer. they are blowing the whistle, so put some distance between you.
plus, it’s dumb. answering those type of questions with any pop self help book is sad. like if you asked somebody what their favorite TV series was, and they answered with a celebrity home workout video.
Gathering around the coffee machine at work to excitedly discuss the latest episode of
Game of ThronesOxyclean CommercialI can’t remember the name of it (thank god), but there was some blender that had an infomercial with all these different “characters” and a loose plot line. I want to say this was in the late 00s/early 10s
I mean, Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout is pretty good.
Even if it’s not written by a lunatic bigot, answering a question like that with a basic self help book is not the vibe. Like if it’s our first conversation and you answer The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck or whatever I’m gonna look for someone else to date.
The problem is that it’s a good book by someone who went off the deep end. If you read the book, it’s not alt-right nor is it hateful. It’s very sensible and very reasonable to appreciate.
“What’s one thing that you could do, that you would do, to make tomorrow a little better?”
Lessons like that are important especially for young people trying to get some direction and momentum in life.
For all I know, they like JP through and through and it’s not worth it. To be honest I wouldn’t answer with that book without adding some kind of caveat, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m backpedaling on the very first message so would probably answer differently even if that was the answer that came to my mind.
Let’s suspend disbelief for a minute and assume that the Tinder match doesn’t know that Jordan Peterson is an alt-right lunatic and that 12 Rules for Life is decent advice that everyone would benefit from. This is still a bad answer. If you think of all the books in the world and the one you come up with to introduce yourself is this, you have all the depth of a salt pan.
There are people out there who will defend literally any self help book because some loser could conceivably use the empty platitudes and common sense they’re filled with to bootstrap themselves into believing they’ve improved themselves. They’re essentially a holy text without religion, offering magical all encompassing solutions that manifest through prayer and ritual.
It’s so aggravating how common it is. “Have you read this life changing book, The Rule? You have to read it! It changed my life.”
The rule in question: wash your buttthe worst are the ones that go off in a metaphysical direction where they say you can literally alter reality with mantras and right-think. the dilbert guy wrote a book like this that I read when I was a kid and it was so awful and stupid that I never liked dilbert again.
I remember when The Secret came out and multiple people started dropping it in conversation. I didn’t know it was related to a book, it was kinda surreal.
EDIT: Earnestly, someone said that they could do better at Warhammer 40k because he could influence dice rolls with his belief. Which would be cheating.
Haha, I know exactly which book you’re talking about. I didn’t end up reading it and so I didn’t really find out how weird he was until he started becoming a Trumper.
depth of a salt pan
Please. The correct term is “Sodium-Chloride-Americans.” They’re easily upset about using the wrong nomenclature.
Shoot, I will make a compensatory donation to NaClAmA
Having anyone read Immanuel kant will help themselves and the ones around them 500x more
lmao no it will not
The real self-help tip is that reading Hegel will make you mysterious and invite people’s curiosity.
I hear it helps with having dialogues.
My sister dated a Jordan Peterson guy for a few months and said he almost immediately tried to parent her kids, like telling one who has always had a disinterest in food and eating regularly that they weren’t allowed to get their favorite kind of cereal at the store.
when it comes to meeting someone from a dating app, there are two aphorisms I live by:
ok, not really but these scenes crack me up.
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Book? I only read posts, sorry
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