Actually worth noting that a lot of people have counted Jimmy Carter as the one post-WW2 president who isn’t a war criminal. This is false. Despite not launching any invasions or wars himself, he aided Suharto’s genocide in East Timor, and several other right wing dictatorships established in the 20th century.
He was, arguably, The least evil president since World War II.
Of course, that’s like being the most racially tolerant SS Commander.
The fact that he was slightly less monstrous than someone like Reagan, and spent his Twilight years trying to atone for his sins, does not excuse the misery that he helped bring to so much of the world.
I’m grateful for this statements that he made against American foreign policy, and it’s impressive that into his old age he was still building houses for homeless people, trying to negotiate with North Korea, etc. But at best these are desperate attempts to save his soul, cramming the night before a term paper is due.