wild to read about this whole thing. he wrote a whole screed about how white people need to have around 2 kids each and then he goes and kills a white mother of two
fascism really is the stupidest ideology
there I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes
These are the same people telling you to read economics 101
A lot of these murderers openly admit how gullible and susceptible they are. It’s the same story with Qanon reactionaries too. They always tell a story that’s like “yeah i never really paid attention to politics or the news but then one day I saw a meme that broke my brain.”
Yes, that’s all it takes to radicalize them because they live their entire lives coasting on the basic assumptions of white supremacist imperialism without question and it destroys their mind to learn their ideology is in fact a particular ideology that can be put into words. It’s completely gibberish racist drivel, but it snaps their worldview into focus like they’ve never understood because they’ve literally never thought about it before. The racist gullible nonsense was already bubbling in their heads.
HEY. Some of us learned about communism through memes and had a similar experience tyvm. You put some respect on memes!
But the difference in ideological miasma people are steeped in leading to fascist bullshit and communism is clearly huge and I find your insight valuable for sure. I find that leftists are generally the most empathetic people who drive themselves crazy trying to make sense of how needlessly cruel our world is without a proper critique of it, so it’s a process of trying to ask a question they don’t have the words for that leads to their revelationary moment when they finally encounter leftist theory (even if that’s in the form of memes). That’s a remarkably different process than the fascist light bulb turning on as someone has their entirely unconscious and unquestioned ideology put into language for the first time, even if the subjective feeling of revelation is probably similar.
A bulbasaur meme played a good part in my path to communism.
You got that meme? I bet it’s a good one.
It works on so many levels, because bulbasaur is the best starter.
Edit: I was wondering why we didn’t have an Israeli flag burning emoji, but then the small part of my brain that remembers I’m technically Jewish reminded me that the optics on that are… Problematic.
they banned a dude who flipped out about wanting to burn the star of david here and then he made accounts for a month posting antisemitic shit lol
Pipelines are real. That’s why the feds had to shut down r/CTH.
Kinda funny how we’re the ones with the ideology that actually challenges the state and we just…don’t commit crimes.
We never see any of us going into, say, Harrison Arkansas and attacking people. Yet we’re the ones routinely demonized on the more popular, democratized media. We’re always the bad guys and these shooters are always painted as the good guys, if not the REAL victims.
And the furthest you could stretch leftist violence would be groups like Red Army Faction, who very specifically targeted capitalists, cops, NATO commanders, et al (and the people who protected them).
A lot of Red Army Faction’s targets were actual, literal Nazis who escaped any consequences after the war and got rich.
How did this dude take himself seriously when he wrote he was educated by “infographics, shitposts, and memes” on 4chan?
everyone and their dog knows that US media is dogshit propaganda, so they come to the (erroneous) conclusion that shitposts on white supremacists forums are “the real truth”
As opposed to us big brain top-tier AAA+ posters who shitpost on the pig poop balls website
Earlier today I had a discussion on here where I linked to an anthropological research paper from 1985. On 4klan they just hurl racial slurs at each other and post “infographics” where they drew stars of david in MS paint over the entire CNN board of directors.
I went to 4chan during the Michael Brown protests and let me tell you. I saw the fucking heart of darkness. I saw the absolute irredeemable soul of misanthropy on full display. I was doing it to keep tabs of their bullshit but it got so depressing I just couldn’t do it anymore.
4chan and its unchecked, unchallenged psychopathy is the exact reason why I have gone from being a succdem who cherishes human rights to a full-blown tankie.
Lol what
We cherish human rights. That’s literally the whole point of being a commie.