I’m directly between two red rings like ()me()
That’d be wild to live through if it came true lmao
I don’t think it’s glorifying it, it’s just making fun of how nefarious the CIA is
Yeah rent lot fees are massive now, even if buying the house outright is a bit cheaper than a standard home.
Basically they sold what were previously considered “white trash” and cheap living to alternate life style chasing rich fucks and have pushed people out of even these modest living arrangements
The tiny home shit that was all over the media a few years ago was basically this.
I ended up watching it via renting DVDs from blockbuster (not even aging myself that much this was one of the few left after streaming and I had no internet) a few years ago and thought that was a decent way to watch it lol, since all the fucking cliffhangers didn’t matter cuz I could binge watch it
It’s referencing the Kent State massacre, as well as this photo which was part of the same protests kind of, just elsewhere https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_Power_(photograph)
Lol what
We cherish human rights. That’s literally the whole point of being a commie.
Edit: looked it up and took the test. It’s basically a what “Disney villain are you?” quiz.
I got like 2s on everything so apparently I suck at scheming
I can’t believe this
The fascists won WWII, they just weren’t german
Was trying to figure it out a bit ago, no is the answer.
“laced with THC” they’re literally dispensary products lmao. Better be fucking laced with thc
so they’re swapping from blaming employees to blaming consumers. that’s something
The best part of that bit was him slowly dressing into waluigi through the whole video
Theyre still working with the partisans in rogue one, albeit saw goes wildly insane with some sort of desert mind squid situation