Genuinely curious
Like, it’s playable, and I like the setting, but it’s still lib as fuck
Keep your politics to urself
Yeah they patched it so all the cars play Headstrong by Trapt
Maybe I’ll finally get the lyrics down
It’s a fun game with great characters. Doesn’t get at the heart of why Capitalism sucks, which is an unfortunate Cyberpunk through-line, but overall I really enioyed it.
The DLC is by far the best part.
The gameplay itself is serviceable. The issue it has is that it’s written by the kinds of people that think NFTs and cryptocurrency and the cybertruck and brain implants by Elon Musk are cool and good future ideas.
There’s a handful of good people involved and the rest are the worst right wing techbros Poland has to offer handling an IP they absolutely shouldn’t be handling. The stark difference between the way the team of commies at Studio Trigger handled the IP for the anime vs the way these fuckheads handle it is super plain and obvious.
So yeah. If you can look past being a cop in your “punk” game then you’re good. Otherwise it and hundreds of other details will piss you off constantly.
Also the driving fucking sucks. How the fuck can someone make driving that feels this bad.
No but it’s not broken anymore.
It’s fun and the people complaining about it being too lib are themselves libs because Johnny and V both suffer from what no theory does to a mf
But you can double jump and block bullets with a katana which is more important
No, the writing is still bad and the gameplay is a passable looter shooter at best. It’s very close to a ubisoft open world where there are a bunch of random small tasks to do that accomplish nothing.
They need to stop making giant soulless worlds and just make a small lively map like Yakuza games. Or at the very least, make the NPC’s artificial life more interesting like RDR2
It’s a fun game and it has one of the most architecturally impressive open worlds I’ve ever seen. It’s incredibly detailed and the city layout actually feels very urban, although a little small and cramped (it’s a game). The audio design and music are top notch too.
The storyline is whatever though, and it’s painfully liberal sometimes. Many of the characters are flat, and the “RPG” elements amount to a few dialogue choices. There isn’t a lot of impact that player decision has on the story, which is extremely disappointing. The leveling system is dead simple too, your character can become a whirling god of death without even min/maxing. You can specialize in every skill tree and competently wield any weapon you find. Really disappointed in that as well.
Some missions are extremely good despite the goofy story, like the one of the guy who wants to be crucified. The talking gun mission is my personal favorite. I love that little Skippy. Overall, fun game. Really really pretty. Visually one of the best games I’ve ever seen.
No, but mainly because I’m biased against cyberpunk media. Most of it is just “WOW BIG JAPANESE LETTERS AND PINK HAIRED ROBO MERCENARIES!” That might’ve impressed me if I was in the 80s, but I live now where tech dystopia is much more boring and mundane, so seeing all these exaggerations just piss me off because it just seems childish. No, I don’t have fun or smile.
No. It’s a fundamentally bad game. It’s about as fun as it always was. Which is fun enough to not feel like it’s a complete waste of time to play it.
The problem with Cyberpunk2077 is that the most dogshit parts of the game (story, characters, etc) cannot be fixed with patches. Sure the game runs okay now. Sure they redid the skill system. that doesn’t matter if the story and characters and side activities in your Role Playing Game are ass.
It’s the most immersive open world I’ve ever seen. And it’s easily one of my favorite games ever
Yeah it’s good, been playing it a lot the past few weeks.
Think about the time you spend playing video games or watching movies or doomscrolling. Now think about all the socializing or working out or organizing you could be doing instead. No videogames are good. Let your cringe grow such that you can consume no mass media.