James Connolly, born on this day in 1868, was an Irish socialist revolutionary, founder of the Irish Citizen Army (ICA), and leader of the Easter Rising rebellion, for which he was executed by the British government.
Connolly was born in a poor Edinburgh neighborhood and spoke with a Scottish accent. He joined the British Army at age 14 to escape poverty and developed a hatred for the institution from firsthand experience. He deserted when his regiment was set to deploy to India.
He was also member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and founder of the Irish Socialist Republican Party. With labor radical James Larkin, he was centrally involved in the Dublin lock-out of 1913, after which the two men formed the Irish Citizen Army (ICA) the same year.
Connolly was opposed to British rule in Ireland and played a leading role in the Easter Rising of 1916, signing the “Proclamation of the Irish Republic” and serving as Commandant of the Dublin Brigade, the regiment that played the most substantial role in the Rising. Connolly was executed by firing squad following the Rising’s defeat.
“If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”
James Connolly
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I mean, we should have better non-gendered names for that, but there kinda does need to be a shirt cut with breast space and one without breast space.
from one of the leading daily newspapers in “Canada”
the Onion article pushing Uyghur slavery pissed me off so bad I triple replied to the post
It’s borderline embarrassing how long it took humans to discover germ theory, like compared to counterintuitive nonsense like miasma, humors, or spontaneous generation, little bugs you can’t see good is not exactly high concept, talk about a collective L for the species
Elon musk is a nazi
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Do what
theEnglish does best, steal! Just start using habibi to mean what it means. Loanwords rock, be the potential start of a new development of the English language :egghead:I started calling my dog habibi a while ago and can’t stop myself at this point. It started as “hey baby” and morphed into habibi almost immediately
What does habibi mean in context? I hear it a lot but i don’t know the deep etymology.
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what @gamer_time said.
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Me when I try to explain to my uni professor that he should not compare the pro-palestine protests to Tiny Man square as a way to say that China bad because american police didn’t kill any students.
Your prof doesn’t have any understanding of.the past situation either.
That’s because american students are more domesticated, and won’t fight the police. Which says something about mentality of the students in free and ‘unfree’ country
I like to have at least 3 layers of dissociation between myself and reality at all times
Me brawling with my uni professor and it’s so fucking funny. This man is willfully missing the point just so he can say China “is not as great as I think it is”
“Terrible and probably biased”: the liberalism is clinging on for dear life and won’t let go.
Not to play Devil’s Advocate, but it’s fine to admit that China made a mistake about 40 years ago. Is he that bad of a lib that he thinks China would do it again right now so China is comparable to the US in terms of suppressing protests?
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For our demands most moderate are, We only want the earth.
*designing the best way to encourage collaboration* what if everyone travelled for an hour and took teams calls in a place with worse wifi.
You’re getting promoted for thinking like this, hexaflagonbear
MBA material here, give this man a promotion.
Oy. I heard a coworker of mine talking to another about some art museum exhibit that had Soviet underground art from artists who were “not on best terms with the government, but, really, who was…”
Another day some radio host was shit talking John Brown and talking about the South just defending it’s way of life against the “failing north” and their “industry” during the civil war.
And finally last week my coworkers were talking about Kim Jong Un being an “asshole” who “killed his own men by tying him to a missile.” Like a literal comic book villain lol. People believe that shit.
This place hurts my soul so deeply.
Good thing ur not me because I would’ve raised hell if I ever heard someone bad mouthing AES, unavoidable trigger for me.
I’m too much of a lib. Mao would be disappointed
I also have this feeling like I need some basic stats or facts or numbers to pull up in any argument, and since I can’t remember any on the spot I just boil inside. Idk if it’d do any good. Wish I was better at arguing because it also sucks to just keep the rage inside and stay quiet when people say shit like that
Statistics can be used to make any arguments you want and are worthless without historical context or materialist dialectics so I don’t bother citing cold stats outside of a few select ones.
I’m a child of Bangladeshi immigrants to the US so I can hit chalk demons with “China built a bridge in my country, the US funded Pakistani death squads to ethnically cleanse us” or how the DPRK has always been on the side of Palestinians since the occupation and they can’t say anything I can’t immediately use to call them racist (which is the biggest fear of the ham sandwich peoples which is to have their em_poc peer call them racist because they love respectability politics so much).
I’m guessing if you’re white it might be harder. But honestly, I do it for the love of the game and not much else.
I appreciate the comment about stats. I (pretend to) do stats for a living and am aware of how they can be misused ;) And I’m surrounded by STEM people who tend to be very historically ignorant and arrogant. Maybe that’s also why I think I need stats to convince them. But I’d feel more comfortable going the route of the USSR freeing it’s population of homelessness and providing basic needs, and providing aid and assistance to national liberation movements the world over. But I guess I lack confidence in my ability to persuade, or maybe I’m being defeatist. I feel getting Americans to care about decolonization movements or to look past their ideological nonsense beliefs about China and the USSR is a tall order. I wish I had your gumption for the game ;)
Capitalism is the best system in the world. Sure, it can’t get a plane in the air on time because the ceos and shareholders cannibalized critical national infrastructure to the point of failure, but capitalism is the best system in the world!