It may come as a surprise, but the Right has been studying the work of Antonio Gramsci for years—and his ideas on the importance of culture and ideology have made a big impact on them. They concluded the Left has been following Gramsci’s lead ever since the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and captured the press, the universities, civil society, and most government institutions.
Hogs are evil and have silly propaganda, but because they have so much power their ideas are treated like fact.
If only universities/media/governments were actually controlled by “mArXisTs”. It’s pure delusion.
Yea, and many liberals, I’ve noticed, sometimes believe the whole “Marxist controlling universities” crap.
I wish.
That’s how the fascist movement keeps expanding its ranks.
We have to reach liberals before they’re reached by the growing fascist movement…
True enough.
To be fair, liberals are our main recruitment pools.
Many liberals, some conservatives, and some libertarians, I’ve seen, turn into communists, given enough time.