
I really wanted to make the title: “Kornacki Arm” but it makes no sense.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
    157 months ago

    I’ll edit my comment to be more exact. This is what I’m talking about…

    The real danger is not that they’ll vote for Trump, but that they’ll stomp off and stay at home. And then when a fascist wins, they’ll say “I didn’t do it.” (Alternate: “I voted for [inane minor no-hoper weirdo candidate”]

    If a Trump win happens due to this conflict, just wait until their misplaced ire at Biden fades and pivots to blaming all Jews in general for all the predicaments and woes the Trump administration ushers in thereafter. They’ll be mirrorless. Hand in glove with ‘blame Soros’ crew


    • queermunist she/her
      257 months ago

      Okay yeah, when Trump wins they’ll cheer when I’m led to a “”“conversion therapy”“” camp because I deserve it for not supporting Biden.

      But I don’t think they actually want that outcome. They’d still prefer for Biden to win. Gravedancing on leftists is their consolation prize.

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
        207 months ago

        But I don’t think they actually want that outcome.

        I don’t know what they want. But there does seem to be a self-righteous streak that they know in their bones they’re right and they will be proven to be right. It’s an awesome feedback loop for them and they love it to death. If Biden wins - they say “See? Told you. We knew it!” If Biden loses - other factors were at play that made him lose. He didn’t fail the voters. Oh, no that’s not it. That can never be it. The voters failed him.

        I used to be a liberal. I was one for nearly all of my life. But I don’t understand liberalism at all anymore. It’s like a profound loss of religious faith. Why did I believe any of that stuff?

      • sisatici [he/him]
        167 months ago

        Oh Biden would have sent you to the concentration camp to appeal to the chuds anyway.