This is a godlike bit and I’ve never seen such an uninterrupted streak of no extra upvotes

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      10 months ago

      250 comments in 3 days? I’m genuinely concerned, there’s no way that much posting of just trolling can be healthy

        • RedDawn [he/him]
          3610 months ago

          I’ll be honest since you and @GaveUp are showing genuine concern, that account is me. And yeah, I’m frustrated with a lot of stuff in my own life but also the world in general, but I’m OK, no need to worry about me.

          I went to browse without an account just to see what the rest of the fediverse libs were up to and certain comments in an antiwork thread were bothering me, shitting on people for not wanting to spend their lives doing pointless drudgery. In stead of replying just telling them to eat shit I decided to make an account to roleplay as a capitalist and remind them that as a landlord and business ownerI already don’t work at all so their comments are dumb. I figured they wouldn’t know how to respond to that and they didn’t.

          Then I just rolled around to other threads commenting as my new character. Mostly pretty low effort stuff but I ended up getting a lot of engagement from furious libs so I kept going. Maybe it’s not healthy, but at least a few times I made myself chuckle and this thread showing that at least a few of you guys got a laugh out of it too makes me feel a little better. And a lot of the comments I posted from work when we were slow so in a way I’m getting paid to post.

          • RedDawn [he/him]
            1810 months ago

            Also this was one of my favorites so far

            But also in some of the many threads where they’re raging about Elon musk not allowing Ukraine to target Sevestapol with Starlink I argued that he’s a private businessman and the satellites are his property so it’s wrong to compel him to use them for a military attack that could cause major escalation, and that made them VERY mad, those comments are sitting below -100 comment score.

            • RedDawn [he/him]
              1210 months ago

              I’ll have to work on that, I think “no more half measures” is taken haha. The main tactic I’ve employed is taking the stupid shit libs do with “oh you don’t your job? Just get a different one” or “if you don’t like it here move to another country “ and applying it to every situation to expose how ridiculous the line of thinking is.

              Oh, all the major auto manufacturers are violating their customers privacy? That’s a valid business decision, if you hate it so much how about start your OWN car company? smuglord

              • JuneFall [none/use name]
                510 months ago

                I think repeating that you are a dictator was a good one. To remind people of that is good and sometimes drop hints that the only thing stopping you sometimes are unions or the threat of them.

            • RedDawn [he/him]
              1510 months ago

              Thanks! It’s been fun seeing Hexbears recognize it as a bit while 90% of other users don’t pick up on the irony at all haha

          • stilgar [he/him]
            1010 months ago

            I love the George Michael “I’m Mister Manager” vibes of the username 😁

            • RedDawn [he/him]
              1010 months ago

              Yeah, I think the username helps make it more obviously a bit so it selects out the engagement. The people who get into arguments with me are people who are eager enough to argue in the first place that they overlook the name and the over the top silliness of the comments, which makes for some fun interactions.

    • @some_guy
      2710 months ago

      Omg, thank you for the link. I wouldn’t have bothered figuring out how to get there because I’m very lazy.

      I’m the only one bringing common sense to these discussions at all
