post titled “Barack Obama Says George W. Bush ‘Just Barely’ Behaved During Donald Trump’s Inauguration”

yeah real #####resistance leader george “a million dead iraqis” bush

i fucking hate liberals

do these people not realize that anything trump is doing right now, the bedrock to do so was laid by people like bush and obama?

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2611 days ago

    Damn maybe if Obama had held Bush and his cabinet of war criminals accountable they would have set precedent for prosecuting Trump after he tried to overthrow the fucking government.

    Instead they tried to let bygones be bygones and look what it got them.

    But tee hee he personally dislikes drumpf for being a showboating dumbass, so I guess we can overlook the way the Bush and Obama administrations expanded the executive powers that now will be in the hands of a dang cheeto.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        2311 days ago

        Obama doesn’t get enough hate for coming into power with unprecedented political capital and then spiking it straight into the dirt. Like I know he was just following the neoliberal playbook and change was a false promise from the start but his legacy should really be looked at as abject failure by the rest of us. Among the immediate ones were: failing to hold the Bush administration and the banks accountable for war and financial crimes, not curtailing the surveillance state, not disbanding DHS, and giving Hilldawg a job.

        That’s like the first month. I can keep going.

        • miz [any, any]
          811 days ago

          and iirc all of his cabinet picks had been approved by Citigroup in August before he even got elected