No doubt in my mind. Just look at all the people who yearn for sports leagues to allow players violently mangle themselves until they’re completely disabled.
The most dangerous part of that park is present in almost all waterparks and if you’ve been in a wave pool or two there’s a chance you swam in the same pool that someone died in
Fuckin’ Action Park
The fact that people reminisce fondly of going to a death park is astounding
“We used to be able to die in themeparks when I was a kid. We can’t now, because of woke”
Texas secedes over closure of Mr Bones Wild Ride
If the terrordome were built people would wax nostalgic about it
No doubt in my mind. Just look at all the people who yearn for sports leagues to allow players violently mangle themselves until they’re completely disabled.
The most dangerous part of that park is present in almost all waterparks and if you’ve been in a wave pool or two there’s a chance you swam in the same pool that someone died in
I almost died at the wave pool at Noah’s Ark when I was six
So, I found my weird Communist quirk
Death to wave pools
yeah but it did look awesome
there is something fun about chaos