Day 19: Aplenty
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6.528 line-seconds (ranks 8th hardest after days 17, 8, 12, 16, 14, 11 and 10).
import functools import operator import re import portion as P # noqa: N812 from .solver import Solver def isize(i: P.Interval): return sum(i_part.upper - i_part.lower - int(i_part.left == P.OPEN) + int(i_part.right == P.CLOSED) for i_part in i) class Day19(Solver): workflows: dict[str, list[str|tuple[str, str, int, str]]] parts: list[dict[str, int]] def __init__(self): super().__init__(19) def presolve(self, input: str): lines = input.splitlines() self.workflows = {} while lines: line = lines.pop(0) if not line: break name, program = line.split('{') instructions = program[:-1].split(',') self.workflows[name] = [] for item in instructions: match_condition = re.fullmatch(r'(\w+)([<>])(\d+):(\w+)', item) if match_condition: category, op, threshold, goto = match_condition.groups() self.workflows[name].append((category, op, int(threshold), goto)) else: self.workflows[name].append(item) = [] while lines: items = lines.pop(0)[1:-1].split(',') part = {} for category, value in (i.split('=') for i in items): part[category] = int(value) def solve_first_star(self): return sum(sum(part.values()) for part in if self._count_options('in', 0, {c: P.singleton(v) for c, v in part.items()}) > 0) def solve_second_star(self): return self._count_options('in', 0, {c: P.closed(1, 4000) for c in[0].keys()}) def _count_options(self, workflow_name: str, workflow_index: int, ranges: dict[str, P.Interval]) -> int: if workflow_name == 'A': return functools.reduce(operator.mul, (isize(r) for r in ranges.values()), 1) if workflow_name == 'R': return 0 if any(isize(r) == 0 for r in ranges.values()): return 0 match self.workflows[workflow_name][workflow_index]: case (category, '>', threshold, goto): new_ranges_true = {c: r &, P.inf) if c == category else r for c, r in ranges.items()} new_ranges_false = {c: r & P.openclosed(-P.inf, threshold) if c == category else r for c, r in ranges.items()} return (self._count_options(goto, 0, new_ranges_true) + self._count_options(workflow_name, workflow_index + 1, new_ranges_false)) case (category, '<', threshold, goto): new_ranges_true = {c: r &, threshold) if c == category else r for c, r in ranges.items()} new_ranges_false = {c: r & P.closedopen(threshold, P.inf) if c == category else r for c, r in ranges.items()} return (self._count_options(goto, 0, new_ranges_true) + self._count_options(workflow_name, workflow_index + 1, new_ranges_false)) case next_workflow: return self._count_options(next_workflow, 0, ranges)
Part 1 was pretty straightforward. For part 2 I made an ItemRange type that’s just one integer range for each attribute. I also made a split function that returns two ItemRange objects, one for the values that match the specified rule, and the others for the unmatched values. When iterating through the workflows, I start a new recursion branch to process any matching values, and continue stepping through with the unmatched values until none remain or they’re accepted/rejected.
Echoes of Day 5… Not particularly difficult, but lots of typing. I’d like to golf this one a bit more.
import Control.Monad import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Text.Parsec type Rule = (Maybe (Char, Ordering, Int), String) type Flow = (String, [Rule]) type Part = [(Char, Int)] readInput :: String -> ([Flow], [Part]) readInput s = let (flows, _ : parts) = break (== "") $ lines s in (map readFlow flows, map readPart parts) where readFlow = fromRight (error "bad flow") . parse flow "" readPart = fromRight (error "bad part") . parse part "" flow = do name <- many1 letter rules <- between (char '{') (char '}') (rule `sepBy` char ',') return (name, rules) rule = do c <- optionMaybe $ try condition n <- many1 letter return (c, n) condition = do p <- anyChar o <- choice [LT <$ char '<', GT <$ char '>'] n <- read <$> many1 digit char ':' >> return (p, o, n) part = between (char '{') (char '}') (param `sepBy` char ',') param = do p <- anyChar n <- char '=' >> (read <$> many1 digit) return (p, n) runPart :: [Flow] -> Part -> Bool runPart flows part = runFlow "in" where runFlow "A" = True runFlow "R" = False runFlow f = runRules $ fromJust $ lookup f flows runRules ((Nothing, next) : _) = runFlow next runRules ((Just (p, o, n), next) : rest) | compare (fromJust $ lookup p part) n == o = runFlow next | otherwise = runRules rest mapRanges :: [Flow] -> [(Char, (Int, Int))] -> [[(Char, (Int, Int))]] mapRanges flows = runFlow "in" where runFlow "A" = return runFlow "R" = const mzero runFlow f = runRules (fromJust $ lookup f flows) runRules ((Nothing, next) : _) = runFlow next runRules ((Just test, next) : rest) = (\(a, b) -> join [a >>= runFlow next, b >>= runRules rest]) . splitRange test splitRange (p, op, n) range = let (v1, v2) = fromJust $ lookup p range others = filter ((/= p) . fst) range in case op of LT | v1 >= n -> ([], [range]) | v2 < n -> ([range], []) | otherwise -> ([(p, (v1, n - 1)) : others], [(p, (n, v2)) : others]) GT | v2 <= n -> ([], [range]) | v1 > n -> ([range], []) | otherwise -> ([(p, (n + 1, v2)) : others], [(p, (v1, n)) : others]) main = do (flows, parts) <- readInput <$> readFile "input19" print . sum . concatMap (map snd) $ filter (runPart flows) parts print $ sum . map (product . map (\(_, (v1, v2)) -> v2 - v1 + 1)) $ mapRanges flows [(p, (1, 4000)) | p <- "xmas"]
That’s a nice parser and I like the use of pattern matching here.
What I wonder is if you couldn’t make a cool monadic representation of the ranges, where you could do the equivalent of
if (foo.x > 12) return bar(x); else return baz(x);
but ‘x’ wouldn’t be an integer, it’d be a collection of integer ranges. The
operator would return a collection of pairs of (newly split) integer ranges and booleans. The
would yield map the pairs to a new bunch of pairs and so on.Mmm, I was thinking something similar. I’ve been meaning to go back and have another go, but the last few problems have eaten up all my time (and energy!)
I realized with the parser you can write eg
rule = (,) <$> optionMaybe (try condition) <*> many1 letter
which avoids even more of those pesky variable names! (I still haven’t quite internalized how to use Applicative)
case class Part(x: Range, m: Range, a: Range, s: Range): def rating: Int = x.start + m.start + a.start + s.start def combinations: Long = x.size.toLong * m.size.toLong * a.size.toLong * s.size.toLong type ActionFunc = Part => (Option[(Part, String)], Option[Part]) case class Workflow(ops: List[ActionFunc]): def process(p: Part): List[(Part, String)] = @tailrec def go(p: Part, ops: List[ActionFunc], acc: List[(Part, String)]): List[(Part, String)] = ops match case o :: t => o(p) match case (Some(branch), Some(fwd)) => go(fwd, t, branch::acc) case (None, Some(fwd)) => go(fwd, t, acc) case (Some(branch), None) => branch::acc case (None, None) => acc case _ => acc go(p, ops, List()) def run(parts: List[Part], workflows: Map[String, Workflow]) = @tailrec def go(parts: List[(Part, String)], accepted: List[Part]): List[Part] = parts match case (p, wf) :: t => val res = workflows(wf).process(p) val (acc, rest) = res.partition((_, w) => w == "A") val (rej, todo) = rest.partition((_, w) => w == "R") go(todo ++ t, ++ accepted) case _ => accepted go( -> "in"), List()) def parseWorkflows(a: List[String]): Map[String, Workflow] = def generateActionGt(n: Int, s: String, accessor: Part => Range, setter: (Part, Range) => Part): ActionFunc = p => val r = accessor(p) (Option.when(r.end > n + 1)((setter(p, math.max(r.start, n + 1) until r.end), s)), Option.unless(r.start > n)(setter(p, r.start until math.min(r.end, n + 1)))) def generateAction(n: Int, s: String, accessor: Part => Range, setter: (Part, Range) => Part): ActionFunc = p => val r = accessor(p) (Option.when(r.start < n)((setter(p, r.start until math.min(r.end, n)), s)), Option.unless(r.end <= n)(setter(p, math.max(r.start, n) until r.end))) val accessors = Map("x"->((p:Part) => p.x), "m"->((p:Part) => p.m), "a"->((p:Part) => p.a), "s"->((p:Part) => p.s)) val setters = Map("x"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(x=v)), "m"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(m=v)), "a"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(a=v)), "s"->((p:Part, v:Range) => p.copy(s=v))) def parseAction(a: String): ActionFunc = a match case s"$v<$n:$s" => generateAction(n.toInt, s, accessors(v), setters(v)) case s"$v>$n:$s" => generateActionGt(n.toInt, s, accessors(v), setters(v)) case s => p => (Some((p, s)), None) match{ case s"$name{$items}" => name -> Workflow(items.split(",").map(parseAction).toList) }).toMap def parsePart(a: String): Option[Part] = a match case s"{x=$x,m=$m,a=$a,s=$s}" => Some(Part(x.toInt until 1+x.toInt, m.toInt until 1+m.toInt, a.toInt until 1+a.toInt, s.toInt until 1+s.toInt)) case _ => None def task1(a: List[String]): Long = val in = a.chunk(_ == "") val wfs = parseWorkflows(in(0)) val parts = in(1).flatMap(parsePart) run(parts, wfs).map(_.rating).sum def task2(a: List[String]): Long = val wfs = parseWorkflows(a.chunk(_ == "").head) val parts = List(Part(1 until 4001, 1 until 4001, 1 until 4001, 1 until 4001)) run(parts, wfs).map(_.combinations).sum
Bit of typing and testing again but part 2 was fun and not hard, although I did make a few logic mistakes.
Didn’t optimize anything in particular but as in day 8 (iirc) I avoid dealing with strings for references to things, so I keep a string table and only use indices.
Abridged excerpt of data structures and
:struct expr { int type, var, imm, next; }; struct partrange { int min[4], max[4]; }; static struct expr flows[600][5]; static int accept_id, reject_id, in_id; static int64_t eval(int id, struct partrange p) { struct partrange q; struct expr *e; int64_t acc=0; int i; if (id == reject_id || p.min[0] > p.max[0] || p.min[1] > p.max[1] || p.min[2] > p.max[2] || p.min[3] > p.max[3]) return 0; if (id == accept_id) return (int64_t) (p.max[0] -p.min[0] +1) * (p.max[1] -p.min[1] +1) * (p.max[2] -p.min[2] +1) * (p.max[3] -p.min[3] +1); for (i=0; i < (int)LEN(*flows); i++) switch ((e = &flows[id][i])->type) { case EXPR_LT: q = p; q.max[e->var] = MIN(q.max[e->var], e->imm-1); p.min[e->var] = MAX(p.min[e->var], e->imm); acc += eval(e->next, q); break; case EXPR_GT: q = p; q.min[e->var] = MAX(q.min[e->var], e->imm+1); p.max[e->var] = MIN(p.max[e->var], e->imm); acc += eval(e->next, q); break; case EXPR_CALL: acc += eval(e->next, p); return acc; } assert(!"bad flow"); }
I optimized Part1 by directly referencing workflows between each rule (instead of doing a table lookup between them), in expectation of part 2 needing increased performance. But that turned out to not be needed 😋
I had to dig through my dusty statistics knowledge for part 2, and decided to try out Mermaid.js to create a little graph of the sample input to help visualize the solution.
After that it was pretty straightforward.