Day 19: Aplenty

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • Leo Uino
    29 months ago


    Echoes of Day 5… Not particularly difficult, but lots of typing. I’d like to golf this one a bit more.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Either
    import Data.Maybe
    import Text.Parsec
    type Rule = (Maybe (Char, Ordering, Int), String)
    type Flow = (String, [Rule])
    type Part = [(Char, Int)]
    readInput :: String -> ([Flow], [Part])
    readInput s =
      let (flows, _ : parts) = break (== "") $ lines s
       in (map readFlow flows, map readPart parts)
        readFlow = fromRight (error "bad flow") . parse flow ""
        readPart = fromRight (error "bad part") . parse part ""
        flow = do
          name <- many1 letter
          rules <- between (char '{') (char '}') (rule `sepBy` char ',')
          return (name, rules)
        rule = do
          c <- optionMaybe $ try condition
          n <- many1 letter
          return (c, n)
        condition = do
          p <- anyChar
          o <- choice [LT <$ char '<', GT <$ char '>']
          n <- read <$> many1 digit
          char ':' >> return (p, o, n)
        part = between (char '{') (char '}') (param `sepBy` char ',')
        param = do
          p <- anyChar
          n <- char '=' >> (read <$> many1 digit)
          return (p, n)
    runPart :: [Flow] -> Part -> Bool
    runPart flows part = runFlow "in"
        runFlow "A" = True
        runFlow "R" = False
        runFlow f = runRules $ fromJust $ lookup f flows
        runRules ((Nothing, next) : _) = runFlow next
        runRules ((Just (p, o, n), next) : rest)
          | compare (fromJust $ lookup p part) n == o = runFlow next
          | otherwise = runRules rest
    mapRanges :: [Flow] -> [(Char, (Int, Int))] -> [[(Char, (Int, Int))]]
    mapRanges flows = runFlow "in"
        runFlow "A" = return
        runFlow "R" = const mzero
        runFlow f = runRules (fromJust $ lookup f flows)
        runRules ((Nothing, next) : _) = runFlow next
        runRules ((Just test, next) : rest) =
          (\(a, b) -> join [a >>= runFlow next, b >>= runRules rest]) . splitRange test
        splitRange (p, op, n) range =
          let (v1, v2) = fromJust $ lookup p range
              others = filter ((/= p) . fst) range
           in case op of
                  | v1 >= n -> ([], [range])
                  | v2 < n -> ([range], [])
                  | otherwise -> ([(p, (v1, n - 1)) : others], [(p, (n, v2)) : others])
                  | v2 <= n -> ([], [range])
                  | v1 > n -> ([range], [])
                  | otherwise -> ([(p, (n + 1, v2)) : others], [(p, (v1, n)) : others])
    main = do
      (flows, parts) <- readInput <$> readFile "input19"
      print . sum . concatMap (map snd) $ filter (runPart flows) parts
      print $
        sum . map (product . map (\(_, (v1, v2)) -> v2 - v1 + 1)) $
          mapRanges flows [(p, (1, 4000)) | p <- "xmas"]
    • @sjmulder
      29 months ago

      That’s a nice parser and I like the use of pattern matching here.

      What I wonder is if you couldn’t make a cool monadic representation of the ranges, where you could do the equivalent of

      if (foo.x > 12)
          return bar(x);
          return baz(x);

      but ‘x’ wouldn’t be an integer, it’d be a collection of integer ranges. The > operator would return a collection of pairs of (newly split) integer ranges and booleans. The if would yield map the pairs to a new bunch of pairs and so on.

      • Leo Uino
        29 months ago

        Mmm, I was thinking something similar. I’ve been meaning to go back and have another go, but the last few problems have eaten up all my time (and energy!)

        I realized with the parser you can write eg

            rule = (,) <$> optionMaybe (try condition) <*> many1 letter

        which avoids even more of those pesky variable names! (I still haven’t quite internalized how to use Applicative)