The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to take up a case on the abortion pill mifepristone has unnerved Republicans from swing districts.The court’s decision last year to overturn Roe v. Wade limited GOP gains in last year’s midterm elections and is expected to again play a major role in next year’s elec…

    1427 months ago

    Man, it must suck to feel vulnerable like that.

    By which I mean the women stripped of their reproductive freedoms.

    The Republicans can eat a salty bag of dog balls marinated in phlegm.

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      76 months ago

      It’s important to spay and neuter our pets, but the dogs deserve to have their balls treated more respectfully than that.

    • 𝔇𝔦𝔬
      -227 months ago

      Oddly specific. Are you familiar with that, or what? Haha. I can agree on your other points though. That phrase at the end caught me off.

    1327 months ago

    Yeah, sucks being a member of the “Fuck You Got Mine” party, doesn’t it? Almost as if empathy and following the science is the better paradigm…

        447 months ago

        It does but generally only when there’s a major looming threat and/or we are asleep at the wheel and let them spread bullshit without challenge.

        What they’ve failed to account for is the fact that women can surprisingly vote. And women are overwhelmingly not voting for the anti woman party. I suspect even the most vocal right wing ladies are closing the curtain and choosing not to vote against their own interests. Since right wing women love to secretly get abortions, it tracks.

        Abortion is the issue that the right never actually wanted to win. It made for perfect performance art. You could sing all day about it and get the Christian vote and you never actually had to do a thing but just promise you would keep fighting the good fight. Except the super religious nuts used trump to get cultist judges in place and they actually fucking did it. Now they’re dealing with the consequences of their own actions. Rich Republicans never wanted to get rid of abortions. They need abortions on account of all the women they impregnate that aren’t their Christian wives. Sure they can still get them but it’s suuuuper inconvenient to have to send the cleaning lady on spirit airlines to a blue state.

  • @RotaryKeyboard
    627 months ago

    “I suspect they’ll rule in favor of prohibitions which is a mistake,” said one vulnerable House Republican.

    There’s such an easy solution to this problem. Just join the Democrats and vote to legalize abortion. You are a lawmaker, after all.

    • Endorkend
      267 months ago

      The party of personal responsibility does not want to be held to any level of responsibility.

      127 months ago

      There’s this trope “only Democrats have agency”. It’s where we look at Democrats for failing to do things or making choices, but Republicans are just like automatic forces of nature. We don’t hold them accountable for their actions.

        6 months ago

        That’s not a bad philosophy when all you care about is the moral victory. If you care about results however, there’s little use in pearl clutching and acting offended by the idea of fascists doing fascism. It’s what they do. I don’t blame the crocodile for eating the baby, it’s a dangerous reptile that needs to be put down, but it’s predictable and doing exactly what it’s programmed to do. I blame the adults who sat around and assumed they could allow the baby to wander that close to the water’s edge without anything happening, all the while filling its’ head with pro-crocodile propaganda. Individual humans are intelligent beings with agency, groups of humans are stupid and vulnerable to manipulation. Time to get your gun and go gator huntin’.

          26 months ago

          That’s not a bad philosophy when all you care about is the moral victory.

          The party abandoned that when it expected everyone to be happy with funding genocide. “Moral victory” was just the party’s excuse for moral cowardice.

        36 months ago

        It’s not that Republicans are not responsible for their actions. The issue is they can’t be influenced to be less evil. They’re the Borg, the Daleks, or Sauron’s orc hordes. All we can do with them is try to defeat them.

      36 months ago

      There’s such an easy solution to this problem. Just join the Democrats and vote to legalize abortion.

      Then it might pass the house and be filibustered in the Senate. Democrats could get rid of the filibuster for good, but they don’t wanna.

    476 months ago

    They’re coming for contraceptives next, they will have their dumb and poor labor force to carry the economy at least till the remainder of their corrupt lives

    • kingthrillgore
      156 months ago

      I’m certain that regardless of whatever they do, they can’t fuck their way out of America’s population decline.

  • daikiki
    406 months ago

    “Tone deaf” is a weird way to pronounce illegitimate.

  • Jaysyn
    7 months ago

    Looking at how badly the Democrats are beating the polls at the ballot boxes post RvW, they should be terrified.

    Combine this with demographics & the #fascist #GOP may not even be a national party by 2028.

      367 months ago

      Voter suppression and gerrymandering will stop this from actually happening. They’ll become smaller and smaller, and louder and louder.

      • Jaysyn
        7 months ago

        Except mathematically, you can only gerrymander a given area so much before you start giving your opponent an advantage in other areas & they hit that limit around 2019. Voter suppression isn’t really working for them lately either, going by the last few elections, and the anger regarding this is actually driving more people to the polls.

        Floridian in a blood red county here. My kids & most of their friends are furious at the GOP & can’t wait to vote.

          97 months ago

          The problem with Florida is that a demographic shift will be tempered by the fact that we import a hell of a lot of angry old people from the rest of the country.

        57 months ago

        their whole goal atm is to create enough doubt that they can throw the next presidential election to the courts or the house.

        • Jaysyn
          37 months ago

          So, same as last election. That tactic just made them look like fools.

  • circuscritic
    6 months ago

    They aren’t tone deaf, but I do understand why establishment Democrats have a hard time understanding it.

    You see, they have an actual ideological political project with goals, and they work to achieve those concrete goals, no matter what.

    The festing sore that is our post-labor movement Democratic party doesn’t have a larger political project other than “maintain power and influence”, which is why they proactively work to co-opt or shutdown any insurgent and ideological left members.

    The Democrats can’t understand why conservatives would enact policies that may hurt their influence, because they don’t understand that the end goal of politics is supposed to be policies, and not just maintaining your own personal fiefdoms of power and insider trading tips.

    Edit: I’m talking SCOTUS, which this article incorrectly accuses of being tone deaf.

      336 months ago

      The Republicans’ only agenda is to hurt people and further enrich the wealthy, and you say the Democrats’ only goal is power? Stopping the Republicans is a worthy goal all by itself.

        26 months ago

        Stopping the Republicans is a worthy goal all by itself.

        It is. But I’m still frustrated that the Democrats cannot put together a coherent platform for change that has any juice in it. Things are not getting better for people and need to change, but the Dems have not strongly pushed a real platform in a while now

      • circuscritic
        6 months ago

        A) I was referring to the tone deaf Supreme Court and their larger policy project.

        B) The Democratic Party’s leadership is not the same as it’s voters. But, the fact that you’re content with their only achievement being “stop the Republicans” proves my point.

        Nothing would make the Democratic leadership happier then to continue to shift the party more to the right to “pickup GOP moderate voters”, because ultimately they are all diehard neoliberals. This mentality let’s them off the hook for not doing anything to advance larger leftist policies that their voters want, would help the country, but hurt their donors, as well as their own stock portfolios e.g. Universal Healthcare, Pro-Act, etc.

      • circuscritic
        66 months ago

        Republicans? No.

        SCOTUS? Yes.

        And as I said, they (SCOTUS) aren’t tone deaf, they’re handpicked Federalist Society religious zealots.

      • limonfiesta
        6 months ago

        Isn’t the article talking about a “tone deaf Supreme Court”?

      • AutistoMephisto
        6 months ago

        Maybe they don’t, but they have goals they want to achieve, by hook or by crook. While we can all agree that “The ends justify the means!” is a shitty moral philosophy, Democrats, and liberals in particular have this problem where they over-correct to the point where thinking about the ends at all is, in some vaguely reflexive kinda way, innately immoral. And when you spend all your time worrying about how to go about things instead of focusing on what things to go about, you end up not getting anything done because you’re not willing to have an actual position.

  • @some_guy
    27 months ago

    I’ve given up hoping for anything positive. It limits my disappointment.

  • @medgremlin
    17 months ago

    As a (hopefully) future emergency medicine physician, I’m gonna find some creative ways to prescribe things for generously interpreted weird diagnoses.