We are ruled by morons.
Open source, open standards, open protocols. We need to stop allowing centralized control which let the rich accumulate more power.
Something something shoots astronaut in back of head
A lot of people have had their lives turned upside down by this guy. They may not be literal kings but the hierarchical nature of employment, together with the role money plays in politics, gives billionaires a lot of power over our lives.
Rich people influence your life even if they’re not politicians. Using their money and influence they push parties and organizations that push their interests, which are usually the exact opposite of what benefits ordinary people
As a great poet once observed, “Cash Rules Everything Around Me.”
When I heard about the change to block unregistered users from even reading tweets, I wondered if it affected embeds too.
One of the few good things to come out of this mess if it stops news sites from writing articles that are little more than 6 tweet embeds back to back.
Imagine being a developer and getting a phone call at 9pm on Friday of a holiday weekend and being greeted with “Sooooo real funny story. We’re going to need to do some heavy load testing on the production server and we’re gonna need you to come in”
I would simply say no. But, by this point, I would have been loudly voicing all of the potential problems. Not my problem they ignored all the warnings, I’m not gonna give up a holiday weekend for their fuck up.
If that means they’d let me go so be it
I’m pretty sure the only people working at Twitter at this point are held hostage by their visa, plus maybe a few true musk heads.
Now is the time for the twitter devs to implement “arse covering mode”. Although they probably have been in that mode since the buyout.
Keep every email. Recorder or otherwise document every phone call, and insist on every instruction being in writing.
It’s amazing how many managers no longer want you to do a thing when you insist that the instructions to do that thing are in writing.
I’m quite certain the only people left at twitter at this point are the ones who won’t or can’t say no.
Elon DDOS’ed himself in confusion!
Musk is an idiot and his handling of Twitter is even more idiotic. But can we not use unsourced screenshots of note taking apps for this community? If there’s substantiated news, post a link to a decent source. If we allow these kinda posts just because we agree with them, we’re gonna be very vulnerable to misinformation (case in point: the fact that there’s articles saying that they resumed paying this bill).
Nice use of Google Keep 😂
really!! I love it. They should just crop the top and the bottom and it would be magnificent
That’s Apple Notes.
Hilarity at Elon’s expense. That’s what’s happening!
Where does this information come from?
good question :)
i have no idea where the image is originally from; i saw it somewhere with the caption “not sure if this has been posted here yet” or something like that and figured it was a nice summary of the situation so i posted it here.
the underlying story about twitter accidentally ddosing itself is being widely discussed by various credible sources, such as here: https://waxy.org/2023/07/twitter-bug-causes-self-ddos-possibly-causing-elon-musks-emergency-blocks-and-rate-limits-its-amateur-hour/
edit: and them not paying their google bill, and their contract expiring on june 30, was reported here: https://www.engadget.com/twitter-has-supposedly-started-paying-its-google-cloud-bill-again-213824844.html
The very fact that it sounds plausible explains all that we need to know.
I think it is a good time to gdpr request my tweet data
He only knows how to run business on non-competitive sector, otherwise, he is dumb.
I think anyone can do that.
Where does this information come from?
Business Insider article:
references this report: https://www.platformer.news/p/twitter-stiffs-google
Does this take into account that Twitter’s new CEO has resumed paying Google? I can see that maybe the tumult could have caused a lapse in the contract until a new arrangement is finalized, but that’s just speculation.
That’s kind of what happens when Google holds your company hostage, yeah.
Kind of what happens when you don’t pay your $1B bill, you mean.
Yes, I meant that Google holds true power over Twitter, like any hosting company will. Billions be damned.
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