That’s an actual risk. The massification to enshittification pipeline is real
That’s an actual risk. The massification to enshittification pipeline is real
I love that copypasta
Even for hobbyist needs the feature set is basically a decade behind.
I mean, Gimp 3 ia looking pretty good to me. Maybe it’s not fit for a workplace (even though it depends on the workplace imo) but it’s definitely more than enough for hobbyists.
Would you mind citing some example of fundamental missing features?
Not trying to be a smartass, just genuinely curious
Proton is a tool for use with the Steam client which allows games which are exclusive to Windows to run on the Linux operating system. It uses Wine to facilitate this.
Grazie ska. Segnalo che anche tubular ha implementato le modifiche
Done, thank you for sharing!
No fucking way
Indiana Jones and the great circle lets you kill fascists and nazis iirc, it’s a good game and a good Indiana Jones story.
“The free market auto-regulates itself” motherfuckers when the free market auto-regulates itself
Yeah, dark patterns are NOT good UX, even though unfortunately it’s present everywhere nowdays.
Steam’s UI/UX can be better, more ordered, coherent and standardized. This does not mean that it has to incorporate dark patterns.
Fun fact: kids learn from their parents and the environment around them.
If the kid’s trashing merchandise or attacking customers it means it regards violence to express their feelings / to get out their frustration as the norm.
And we usually learn what’s the norm inside our households.
Don’t beat your kids and don’t let other beat theirs. It’s never good for the kids.
Welcome back and enjoy your stay
You got me good
When a game gets delayed it’s not a good sign in general. It means “the game is broken and we can’t release it as it is”.
Of course a delayed game will be better than a game that needed to be delayed and released anyways instead, but realistically speaking you can’t fix a broken AAA sized game in one or two months.
Add this to the fact that Ubisoft (rightfully so) earned a bad reputation among players as time went on, and that devs can’t work at their best when they are crunching and they fear to be laid off, and you’ll understand why non-casual gamers don’t have faith in the game.
Was wondering the same
I recommend someone pick up epistory: typing chronicles. I bought it years ago and it’s very good
You love to see it