I didn’t know they made liminal spas
Hey this is a Portal level!
Why does this make me incredibly uncomfortable
Iono, it’s kinda neat, but it makes me kinda nervous and claustrophobic too. It’s a borderline liminal space, it feels hollow and empty and samey even though there’s a person in there.
Because if you have a problem while swimming you cannot easily get to the nearest edge and get out - the sheer wall prevents this. You are committed once you leave the end of the pool.
The chlorine smell
Stop peeing in the pool then. It only happens as a chemical reaction from the urea interaction with the chlorine.
we’re definitely not thinking about the same thing then. Maybe that’s not chlorine? A freshly filled pool has the smell
Pool hall
Praise Kier for this blessed pool
But what if I want context?
@Radin wrong sublemmy, then.
I think around here they’re called communities, rather than sublemmies.
In the comparable subreddit, context was allowed in the comments, just not the title. Personally, I appreciated it many times. However, I understand forbidding it could enhance fascination.
Sublemmies is a fun name tho
I vote for Subleminals
Oooooo that’s good to
Tomb Raider remaster looking cool with ray tracing
Limited areas to hold on to if something goes wrong.
Reminds me of certain pools in the sims…
I swear there was a game with areas exactly this.
Has a Portal vibe to it. There are electrified pools of water there sometimes, and the minimalistic walls fit too.
Yeah this a Tomb Raider vibe.
I don’t know if it existed in the game but this reminded me of og Tomb Raider for some reason.
What was that game recently where you just walked around and it had water and slides?
Can’t decide if cool or claustrophobic.
Coldly claustrophobic
Minecraft vibes too
I believe I literally had a nightmare like this once.
What does PIC stand for?
Pilot in command
@SpaceNoodle picture
Picture IC? Picture Icture Cture?
PICture usually
No, “pic” would be short for “picture.” What does the acronym PIC stand for?
So, there’s this neat thing called caps lock that’s on older keyboards. I have my keyboard configured so it works like a second shift key, but on non-configurable ones, it just keeps it all caps until you hit it again. Super annoying, really.
Partner In Crime.
Person In Colour
PICk up the phone and call your mum.
This is what the bathroom from the house on Blue Lick Road looks like after renovation.
@Kathrin @nocontextpics @nocontext What the Backrooms?! ;)