It is a Ford e-transit. Huge white empty sides. I enjoy the plainness of it, but am open to putting something interesting on the sides/back.
I will implement my favorite idea without fail.
It’s for transporting my disabled mother around, but also for personal use. (I am too tall for normal cars so this will be my only vehicle)
Edit: There are so many good suggestions. My current favorites are some sort of grand fantasy mural or the mystery machine (possibly with mystery replaced with my last name that also starts with an m and has the same amount of letters), or that 90’s jazz pattern.
I like this one too.
I have painted a version of this on an old cop car I had and it got very positive responses from people
Why limit to the sides when you could go full Mystery Machine?
This one is tempting.
“this way up” and arrow. Should prevent rollover in the event of an accident.
This is a good one. I’m a fan of full body airbrushes.
I loved that movie so much! It’s been a while, should watch it again.
Free candy signs.
fReE cAnDy!
Paint it brown. Then commission an artist to design you a sick ass mural. A dragon or maybe a wizard mid cast.
Hire an artist to design a Mad fold-in picture that reveals something interesting when you slide the door open.
Notice, it works with text as well.
Right idea but way too high quality.
Relatively small piece of cardboard duct taped to the van with something misspelled like “coten candy”. That’s the perfect panel van vibe.
Everyone will avoid you, cops won’t take you seriously (unless you aren’t white, in which case, best of luck with a white panel van).
Airbrush your mom on a flamed vehicle of her choice.
Chariot with wings
cover it in cats
Pussy mobile.
Angry upvote
Edit: holy shit, it’s SatansMaggottyCumFart, Lemmy royalty!
One can achieve that by running over some felines.
Hire someone to paint a grateful dead album cover on the side. Pay for a vanity plate that says 420GRAN