First post here. Thanks for showing me the way.
if you don’t see a community you are looking for, create it.
Hello from Madison, new people 👋 I’ve been trying to figure out the most effective activism with my group’s limited resources.
Made the jump here because theres a lot of doom and gloom on reddit… nice seeing people here being active in their community outside of the online space. Ive already seen organizing/mutual aid work happening on here. Cant wait to explore more, thanks for having me
Since this place has midwest in the name, and the main mod is from Ohio, I’m gonna roll some dice here. If you happen to be anywhere near northeast Ohio, There’s a group in Cuyahoga Falls called “Meaningful Conversations Akron” that can be found on FB and meets every Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. They leverage principles of interfaith spirituality to stay focused on the sort of unity which is necessary as a goal in order to even begin winding down the division that dragged us here.
The old stickied post suggested going out and making friends in person. That effort is how I found that group. It’s been really good for me.
I’m glad you found some people. If you’re in the Akron area and are interested in doing some community outreach with other like minded people you should look into Serve The People Akron.
Oh, did you open up to new accounts again? People told me it was closed a couple of months ago.
It was for a couple weeks
Hmm, just bad timing then.
Doing pretty well! At this point it’s been over a year since I came over in the third-party app exodus and it’s been great. Haven’t really looked back all that much.
I’m glad to have picked this instance for my main account since it’s local to me, isn’t heavy handed with defederation (I like to watch the crazies from a safe distance) and performance has generally been good.
Outside of Lemmy things are pretty chill, no major complaints and my birthday is on Saturday, so it should be a good weekend :)
Happy birthday!
Happy early birthday!!! I hope it’s a great one!
I’m ok. Shit is rough out there right now.
So did anything in particular trigger the influx of new users? Just curious. I’m another one of those people that came from Reddit during the API bullshit in 2023.
For me, it was the upcoming news of paid subreddit access that finally pushed me over to retry this place.
Like you have to pay to join certain subs? Gross.
I was unaware until recently. The death of the Apollo app was the end of Reddit for me but between old.reddit and ad blockers the experience was ok. But once I learned an alternative existed I moved.
My understanding is that it’s due (at least in part) to some pretty aggressive censorship that’s been going on over there. Especially with regard to Luigi and related topics.
I’m also curious to hear if I’m wrong or if there’s other stuff at play too
Yeah, this was the last straw for me. Sorta embarrassed it took me this long to ditch Reddit, I should have done it as soon as the API was killed
That’s precisely why I’m here. I deleted my Reddit account a few days ago, after I got several subreddit bans for upvoting Luigi related posts/comments that had no violent context. Just the name. One of them was a picture of the actual Nintendo character. After that I was like “fuck it, I’m done”.
Fuck Spez. Free Luigi.
That and some popular Reddit posts urging us all to come here - I’ve seen a bunch of people who came here from the same post I did and at least one other. Woohoo! I know I’m also particularly primed to make changes like this right now, I’ve been working on getting away from more of the crappy capitalists recently
Was the reddit post about this specific instance or do you mean Lemmy in general?
Lemmy in general
I think reddit started banning people for even upvoting Luigi memes and protest stuff.
Reddit decided to get a lil fashy and start banning people even for just upvoting shit.
I deleted my 11 year account when they restricted API access, but capitulated and came back. Updoot restrictions and two 3 day bans made me close up shop and come over for good. I loved reddit, but will never go back again.
Truckin’ along the best i can.
Pretty good, I’ve been off of social media for a while but Lemmy looked intriguing enough to give it a try. I’m hoping it will be engaging without being addictive. So far I like it.
Uh, well, in my experience Lemme is 100% addictive.
You start to discover that Reddit lacked a lot of real people and now you have a ton of real people you’re conversing with
I find that it’s less addictive in the way there isn’t an infinite pool of content. But much more interactive. So I can engage when it seems interesting but stop from doomscrolling. Its a great mix
Yup, doomscrolling reddit was extremely unhealthy for me. Since the inauguration I’ve spent at least 3 days literally just on Reddit. Like 10 hours straight and didn’t leave my bed. I’m in a much better place now and Lemmy doesn’t have that same effect on me.
I’m in a much better place now and Lemmy doesn’t have that same effect on me.
I think being able to curate your own content does that. Its great that you can engage when you want and then drop out if you need to.
As good as can be expected after getting perma-banned on reddit for violating rules with multiple accounts just hours before my 7-day temp ban for ‘encouraging violence’ was lifted on appeal, despite only ever having had 1 account in my entire 14 years of using reddit.
I’m freely up voting things without repercussion. weeeeeeeeeeee
I’m doing as well as can be, also, first post. I saw Kentucky was “added” to the midwest as a community and said, “let’s make an account” - glad to get away from reddit. Honestly, I keep seeing the sticky post to go make friends, and with spring in KY, I’ve been going on walks to the park. So hello Lemmy, thanks for having me.
I think Oklahoma has a community on here too. We judge, but in a polite Midwestern way.
Finally armed up and got an AR-15, got a lower receiver from KE Arms and an upper off the shelf from my local gun store, haven’t gotten a chance to go to shoot it yet but it’s gonna be a fun day when I do!
Hell yeah!
Sweet! I’m new to owning an AR too. Recent events tipped me in favor of owning. I have a good amount of military experience though so the platform isn’t new. You should have a good time learning how to effectively use it. Just make sure you learn it. Be safe friend!