That movie is so dumb. I LOVE IT.
That movie is so dumb. I LOVE IT.
Great advice. Thank you
I think the most epic was when I was DMing my party at 5th level. They were trying to free some Yuan-Ti slaves from a large complex with a pyramid in the middle. After selling two of their party into slavery to get someone on the inside they rallies the Vanara (monkey folk) to help with their prison break by defeating a Yuan-Ti patrol to prove their worth. So they had some scouts (CR 1/2) backups along sides some commoners in the complex. So they had a tough fight. There was a deadly fight at the main entrance, a hard guarding the slaves and another hard inside with a full dungeon worth of reinforcements inside the temple. So doable if they could be to kept apart.
Before they started their prison break they wanted a big entrance. So they stole a triceratops egg to get them as their distraction. So the barbarian is rushing towards the entrance with these beasts while the wizard and artificer teleported in the gate to give the hard and ranger (inside as slaves armed with daggers) their main weapons. They got inside to arm the party and few of their slaves. The dinosaur and barbarian in front of them hit the front gate causing chaos. At the same time the slaves with the rest of the party turned on the hard encounter of Yuan-Ti guarding them. During this time the bard cast major image of a dragon to draw some fire, while the blade singer and the artificer are killing the melee crew around the fleeing ex-slaves.
The barbarian is taking hits while running towards the party. The dinosaur made some good distractions if the front guards but the reinforcements were coming around to attack the party and the temple alarm was being raised. I figured they would turn tail and run because it was looking bad.
But then the spell that turned the tide was cast. The bard cast Plant Growth. The entire massive battlefield became 4x movement to get through. The reinforcements which were 1 turn away now became 4 turns away if they dashed every round. The bard made a path for the barbarian to catch up to the party while everyone enemy was either dashing to get nowhere fast or barely taking pot shots with their weak ranged. The tide flipped and the Yuan-Ti tried unsuccessfully to retreat back inside before the ranged attacks rained now.
The entire battle took like 20 rounds over 3 play sessions. It was an epic fight all around
I heard someone else say they didn’t like that book. I do love trusted sources and the Mayo is great. Why did you like it?
but then remembered Juliani was stupidly well loved for such a long time.
Post 9-11 politics was a really weird time. So he just ran that wave for decades
Yeah. That is true
When you are found out to be corrupt or a scum bag running as a R is the best career move. It turns from a liability to a bonus
What happening with drones on Ukraine shows that money doesn’t always translate to success. When a couple hundred dollar drone can destroy a million dollar tank spending doesn’t seem a good proxy
I love this plan. Both because of the drama and because he was great
I’ve been doing some native / foraged foods and they always have disclaimers about plants high in oxalates might cause kidney stones. They wild grown foods typically contain 10 to 100 times more concentrated vitamins, minerals and other both helpful and unhelpful components per ounce than traditional vegetables.
The real issue isn’t the kidney stones but that oxlatic acid is an anti-nutrient that stops the body from absorbing calcium. But there is not issue unless you eat in large quantities daily. It grows in my yard as a weed so I like to eat some of it while I am weeding. Its delicious and besides its anti-nutrient effect on calcium pretty healthy for you.
Let’s start speculating wildly about who we would like to replace her. I would love to see Keith Ellison in the senate but I don’t know all my options at this point. Its going to be large field for the primary
Let’s start speculating wildly about who we would like to replace her. I would love to see Keith Ellison in the senate but I don’t know all my options at this point. Its going to be large field for the primary
Oxalates and oxalic acid are common in a lot of different foods. Anything that has the little tart taste like arugula generally contains it. So its in a large number of fruits and vegetables a lot of which are delicious. As long as you are drinking liquids on a regular basis and aren’t eating something like Yellow Wood Sorrel daily which is super high in oxalic acid you will be fine.
I enjoy a tart apple with a sharp cheddar but in general cheese and sweet doesn’t always mix. I am going to have to try fresh green onions when my garden is up and running since I have garlic chives running wild.
Also what kind of monster eats low fat cheese? Cheese is just milk fats and milk proteins. Why would you remove half of that? Its the kind of terrible diet food that just tastes awful and seems like a punishment. I would never
I love raw pasta. I like to give it a little nibble. I mostly love raw doughs. Pie and biscuit are my favorite
I’ve been making my own infused apple cider vinegar over the last year or so. I have been using it for cooking and making my own Shrubs (vinegar based drinks). I have been loving vinegar recently and pickling vegetables as well. Delicious all the ways
I used to hate cottage cheese which I think was because people used to eat it within a cantaloupe as a diet food when I was younger. But had it recently and it is amazing. I was eating it with pepper but something spicy and vinegary would be great
Not going to pass but still hate to see it. Especially spending money on crisis pregnancy centers. They are terrible
Yeah it obvious that the way the system was set up was there was very little upfront verifications with it being off loaded to the non-profit and then pushed to the USDA for after the fact prosecution. So a strange system for sure with lots of trust on the non-profits.
But I can see the need for speed during a global pandemic but can see it was taken advantage of.
Dude. No said no more journey psych outs