The continuing resolution is the one near-term lever Democrats might have to limit the Musk/Trump administration lawbreaking.
A current tally of positions on the Continuing Resolution makes it quite clear that things are very much in flux right now, which makes constituent pressure important. Call your senators and tell them to oppose.
{I previously posted on Masto, but still relevant to here}
The war never ended for the Confederates, we all know that.
“The South Will Rise Again” wasn’t conjecture.
But it took collusion, and cooperation to make this come to pass. And now we know explicitly that Greed has no party affiliation.
-After all this ‘blue across the board’ bullshit. -After blaming the fucking voters, instead of their own cowardliness and lack of vision. -Deciding Trans folks are now politically expendable. -The fucking wishy-washy “We need to reach across the aisle” placation.
I don’t think the ‘good ones’ have enough to take the DNC. Why they aren’t announcing a third party right now, fucking mystifies me.
I’ve been independent after they screwed over Gore, but still, voting the lesser-evil was mandatory.
There is no ‘lesser evil’ now
Why they aren’t announcing a third party right now, fucking mystifies me.
Because of basic game theory. The US is a two-party state for fundamental structural reasons.
That said, the identities of the two parties have changed every once in a while. Seems like they’re overdue for another such shakeup at this point, but who knows when it’ll come. Could be that the two existing parties have figured out how to stall that.
I don’t necessarily disagree. But I think a populist, pro social, pro union, publicly engaged party would become that new duopoly. The dems are dead in the water. Upon seeing any marginal success I would think (hope) the center-left dems would rapidly abandon Pelosi and Co.
It’s the perfect time for a populist candidate to succeed. It’d also be a pretty well timed repeat of history.
The US is a two-party state for fundamental structural reasons.
And yet parties disappear and are replaced by other parties. It’s not inevitable that the Democratic Party, or the Republican one, will continue to exist, just because of FPTP.
Yes, I said that in the next sentence after the one you quoted.
The key is that it still remains a two-party state. “Third parties” are not viable in this system, and in fact they are counterproductive. You need to swap one of the existing ones out, or gut it and repurpose the empty shell.
That said, the identities of the two parties have changed every once in a while.
Exactly. A progressive leftwing party would be perfectly positioned to cannibalize the DNC and become the leftwing party of the duopoly and maybe hopefully abolish the electoral college.
I don’t think the ‘good ones’ have enough to take the DNC. Why they aren’t announcing a third party right now, fucking mystifies me.
Because of the spoiler fallacy and American progressives’ Stockholm syndrome-style attachment to the Democrats.
Chuck Schumer, minority leader of the Senate, said that Hakeem Jeffries (who himself has taken the “cower in the corner” approach) needs to work with New York Republicans in the house and ask them to play nice because there’s nothing he can do in the Senate.
There’s your answer.
To put it in terms of the headline: Democrats pick up their sword, and drive it into their own chest.
We need a leftist party that’s interested in representing its voters
That could - by no means a guarantee - result in vote splitting and worse outcomes.
I remember when the DNC said that in 2015, and we know what happened in 2015
Maybe we should try unifying under non neolib leadership?
Both my senators, the D and the R, will tell me to go pound sand and give my name to Kash Patel as a leftist agitator.
Lmao, no. The dems are as useless as the repubs are compromised.
Knowing them, if they do they’ll immediately stab themselves with it.
Haven’t there been leaked conversations among the dems that are basically “we need to alienate the left side of the party and try appealing to center-right voters by sucking some maga dick.”? The dems are a lost cause.
Betteridge would like a word.
The only time Dems pickup the sword is to fight the left when they get too loud.
I absolutely guarantee not a single politician will pick up a sword.