• theangryseal@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Man. This reminds me of one of the funniest moments in all of life.

    My niece came over to spend the weekend with my daughters and used my exes laptop to look at videos on YouTube. She was really into everything babies at the time, but specifically diapers and bodily functions (thank you baby alive).

    She looked up “baby peeing”. She shared nearly 20 videos of baby alive dolls and diaper changes on my exes Facebook with captions like. “Look at the wee wee water awwwwwww”. “This baby sure pee pee a lot”. “This baby poop like playdoh”.

    Then she moved on to animal videos. I guess the baby alive dolls made her think of the bodily functions of animals.

    She posted several videos of animals urinating.

    “Awww he got pee pee everywhere.” “What a nasty nasty mess”.

    And finally, the video that led to a call from a friend of hers. Somehow in the rabbit hole of animal videos she found one of pigs mating. “Look at pig ride the other pig. So funny.”

    This is right around the time of the first iPhone and we were still using computers so no notifications. When she logged in she was so humiliated. Comments like, “are you ok girl?” And finally, “ok this is just nasty. Something is wrong with her and someone needs to take her computer away.”

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more humiliated person haha.