Mine’s gotta be Marge on the Lam. It’s got Ballet as bears driving little cars, it’s got Homer about to have his arms sawed off cause he didn’t let go of soda, it’s got good waffles sticking together, it’s got moonshine straight from your own still, it’s got ghost cars, it’s got Miguel Sanchez, it’s got Sunshine and Lollypops and Raibows, it’s got precious antique cans, it’s got suspects in a…red car who are passing directly beneath the earth’s sun…now. it’s hilarious and really encapsulates season 5s ‘fuck it, we ball’ attitude.
The episode is pretty dark for a Simpsons episode and Homer acts a little out-of-character (he acts dumber but more earnestly than he usually does). It’s a huge contrast if you compare Homer in this episode and Jerkass Homer during the Skully years. That rubs some people the wrong way. This episode is one of the few Simpsons episode with a permanent death, so it’ll always be talked about relative to other episodes just like how the episode where Maude dies gets talked about and even referenced in later episodes even if the actual episode is meh.
It’s also a season 8 episode, so there’s the wider context of people pointing to it as the end of the classic era and people not liking season 8 for being too meta. I don’t think the episode would get this much attention if it were a season 6 episode. In general, a lot of season 8 and season 9 episodes get the spotlight pointed at them because there’s a faction of the Simpsons fanbase who thinks that this episode marks the end of the classic era. Homer’s Enemy and The Principal and the Pauper get the most heat.