Small plane, though, so this is just someone breaking a TrueAnon rule.
To be fair, the media was referring to the CRJ that went down in DC as a “small plane” because it was physically on the small side, not a massive Boeing or something
In this case, there were only 2 people aboard, according to ABC 6.
I’ve seen scattered reports of 6, it seemed to be an air ambulance flight. Seems to be a Learjet, so average business jet size
Yeah it was a Learjet 55, registration XA-UCI, working as ambulance transport. Trump is totally going to blame mexico for this.
If this ends up being our Reichstag fire…
yeah apparently two patients, two doctors, and two pilots
A patient, mother, two flight nurses, two pilots
The patient had just left the hospital after lifesaving treatment. She was a child going home to Tijuana
It’s incredibly grim
jesus fucking christ
So was someone last time
Honestly I was expecting there to be a little more ramp up to the carnage trump would cause.
This is the ramp, homie
Fwiw he referenced ending “this American carnage” in his 2016 inauguration speech
Biden was the ramp, you saw all the planes getting fucked up.
Sir, a second gwb reaction image has hit the hexbear thread
It has been zero days since the last plane crash
I can imagine this social media convos like this a month or two from now.
“There are going to be hundreds dead.”
“I thought it was a just a small plane that crashed.”
“No, not yesterday’s crash - today’s. Two airliners crashed into each other…”
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? Cause I could really use socialism right now, socialism right now…
Bluesky comment
Finally made the government small enough to strangle in a bathtub.
Miss me yet?
he said it looked like a missile was coming down. “There was a large explosion, so I thought we were under attack for a second,”
The planes appear to be getting smaller each time so that’s good…
Midair drone collision bothers dozens
Paper plane wreck startles cat
“Hey USA what you up to?”
“Oh, just being a failed state. NBD.”