Being a conservative must be so exhausting. All you do is think about war. Muslims, Chinese, Russians, just kill kill kill.
6’2 corn-fed paratroopers full of nicotine and MRE chili mac couldn’t defeat the Taliban or NVA despite their enemies having none of those things. They had their dicks blown off without even seeing the enemy.
Is this a bad time to remind everyone that we haven’t won a war in 80 years?
Turning the country you’re fighting in into a slaughterhouse is as good as winning, right?!
If you aren’t trying to do settler colonialism. Mass genocide was very much a win for american manifest destiny, was the desired victory for german lebensraum, and is the goal of israeli zionism.
Very good point.
corn fed paratrooper full of nicotine and MRE chili mac would make quick work of that pageantry
I mean explosive diarrhea in wrong time and place certainly could wreck the military parade somewhat, but i can’t see how a single dude like that could do something else.
I mean, yeah, a random shooter attacking a group of people will generally be able to murder a bunch of them. Pretty sure soldiers don’t carry loaded guns in parades. Somehow I feel like mr corn fed paratrooper here would struggle quite a bit more if he had to fight an enemy who is actually fighting back, instead of random Afghani children.
Not to mention the not so random shooters.
A 6’2 paratrooper full of nicotine and MRE
So a much more conspicuous target of roughly twice the size?
I feel like a lot of nazis talked this way on the eastern front before being brained from a kilometer away
“Not men… fascists.”
The way these guys talk, they have no idea how actual war works. They think it’s just two groups of people running at each other and whoever is the biggest and dumbest wins.
Bingo, they know corny hollywood shit and myths about thier colonial wars, not battle between peer armies.
Those people came running home from Ukraine fast when they realized they were not going to have air superiority and the other side had much more and heavier guns.
There’s a whole bunch of men on the internet who really like to fantasize about doing violence to women. They know it’s not totally acceptable to express openly, so they come up with scenarios where they think it will be more ok. It’s a little creepy.
“equal rights, equal right hooks” or whatever the phrase is is rancid vibes
“equal rights equal fights” was the one that was popular in my neck of the woods
A great and glorious thing it is
To learn, for twenty years or so,
The Lord knows what of that and this,
Ere reckoned fit to face the foe—
The flying bullet down the Pass,
That whistles clear: “All flesh is grass.”Fuck Kipling and all, but this chagrin is perfect for realizing that your “6’2 corn-fed paratrooper” doesn’t do so well when it’s not a melee 1v1.
A skrimish at a border station
A cantor down some dark defile
Two thousand pounds of education
Drops to a ten rupee jezail
fuck kipling but it’s very funny that all these years later the people he was trying to warn with this are still too arrogant to listen
A skirmish on the coast at dawn
A patrol down a crowded street in Canton
Two hundred pounds of corn-fed brawn
Drops to a modded DJI Phantom.
This is like when people were saying that random, average, non-military Appalachians would body a PLA soldier. It’s weird framing, the humble hard working American vs the disciplined and sheltered Chinese soldier, or something like that.
Just like they did in Venezuela a few days ago, right?
I would love to see some dumbass chud try to take on the PLA, rambo-style. Fucking hilarious, these people are so delusional.
That “pageantry” would have them shitting their racist pants if it was in their backyard. They can only fantasize about it in this way because it’s thousands of miles away. Probably at least since the start of the Red Scare era, USians are obsessed with fantasizing about killing or being killed by people from countries far, far away; countries full of people who only even care with any preoccupation that the US exists because of its imperialist policies that keep trying to destroy them.
Bruv they’re still terrified. China lives rent free in their heads already.
Cringe: corn-fed
Based: corn bread
!?!?: corn-bred
truly the next phase of great amurican sciences. biologically engineered super cornmen ready to fight communism
corn-lead (bullets made of corn)
Why corn-fed? Are they saying eating corn makes you strong, or that it makes you weak, so even a weak, corn fed man could kill these women?
Apparently it means unsophisticated
deleted by creator
I honestly think this is less, albeit obviously not-not, mysoginist against women and more racist against asians. I mean they are soldiers of, if you’re a chud, an enemy nation. I think every patriot fantasizes about their cool based epic soldiers killing the soy beta enemy soldiers and you see this exact thing of the slack jawed yokel still being superior crop up with male soldiers of other nations, too.
I also think if that were to play out in real life we’d get sort of like the early days of the Ukraine invasion by Russia again where somehow everybody is surprised that the enemy nation reads US doctrine and acts accordingly. Like the shock about how russia has good air defense, except for something else.
This ghouls does not seem to comprehend to idea of prade uniforms.
That being said, those soldiers would smoke his hypothetical paratrooper.
mre chili mac
i doubt that someone fed with that can catch even a old chinaman
That’s not the preferred nomenclature, dude.
Our guys eat like shit and we’re proud of it. It’s really weird.