CW Rant with some discussion of familial trauma, religion, mention of substance use

I drove over 6 hours to see them and be present for the holidays and they went out of their way to cross my boundaries and make me uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be rude when they put me on the spot so I read the verses they wanted to humor them, but then they asked me to lead a fuckin prayer. They are aware I’m an atheist and resent that fact; I try to respect their beliefs but they push theirs onto me like this. I said a short prayer to get out of this whole situation and my mom started crying and smiling huge like I was just converted. Feel so weird and gross about this. They roped my partner into participating too and they’re of the same mind as me on these things so it made us both uncomfortable and anxious.

This incident was just icing on the cake of a trip full of my emotionally abusive mother starting constant arguments, my family trying to get me to drink knowing I’m sober, and being around my siblings one of whom is I’ll just say an abusive shithead. I don’t think I’ll bother going next year. I recall vividly why I was hyped to move out and why I don’t call more often. The neglect, manipulation, and abuse of years in that household all came flowing back. No wonder i deal with so much mental health shit lol

Edit: sorry if initial phrasing doesn’t convey the reason the prayer got me but it’s because I left Christianity due to the institutional abuses I experienced and witnessed, not just because I’m not religious these days. I just got put on the spot and due to family history went fight or flight and compromised my needs to get out of there asap. Really just needed to vent abt this didn’t want to spark confusion or debate sorry

Sorry for the rant just wanted to vent to my cool internet stranger friends

  • newmou [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Me asking “why are parents like this” and in 18 years from now demanding my turbo-liberal offspring read a passage from Blackshirts and Reds before we begin our November 7th festivities

    • NewOldGuard [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      I dropped out of uni and moved back in with them when I was 18, then when I moved out again they helped me get a car. So I feel on some level like I owe them for that. This is only my second year of holidays without living under their roof so I suppose I’m figuring out how to set these boundaries by experience

      • Yukiko [she/her]
        2 months ago

        It takes time for sure. Just be sure to set them. I never did with my father and I eventually had to tell him to fuck off. Honestly, if you were a more confrontational person (which it doesn’t seem like you are since you allowed this to happen), I would’ve just outright told them no on the spot. Or something like that. I only have advice for confrontational people since I am one. I don’t care for dancing around issues over the course of months. Sorry :\

        • NewOldGuard [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
          2 months ago

          You know it’s funny I’m normally not averse to confrontation if a friend, stranger, whatever does some fuck shit. But I can’t w my parents sometimes just bc of trauma around it. But that’s more to talk abt with my therapist not hexbear lol. Ty for your supportive comments and thoughts though I appreciate that

      • Gorb [they/them]
        2 months ago

        You’ll feel a lot better when you set those boundaries but it took me many years after moving out to do it. I let my parents push me around for years with emotional manipulation and constant guilt tripping until one day i actually told them how they made me feel… The intention was to get them to see my perspective but what happened was my mum had a massive meltdown and went fully into denial then decided to flip it around and make me the problem lol so i gave them the middle finger and haven’t spoken to them in 2 years.

        The part that hurt the most was my dad telling me he now likes my mum again after i went because he and i quote “doesn’t have to see her being mean to me”…

        Upside is the chronic anxiety i had since I was like 7 just up and vanished as if i never had it to begin with

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Yikes. No one should have to go through that (and I’d point out most Abrahamaic sects expressly prohibit coerced religious participation, not that it helps much)

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Fuck that. Sorry they pulled that manipulative BS on you.

    I hope you can articulate clear boundaries that they will respect in the future, I think you’re within your rights to demand that respect or decline to visit until you get assurances.

    The combo of wacky religious conviction and also trying to undermine your sobriety is fucking wild tho. That’s not a version of Christian asshole I’ve encountered before.

    • NewOldGuard [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      I appreciate that ty for your comment. Yeah it’s a combo of my dad being an ex pastor and my mom being raised in what she herself described as a Christian cult that she recently rejoined, giving the evangelical vibes, and my mother being an alcohol abuser since I was a child.

      I’m sober because of what alcohol did and does to my family, but I’ve never articulated that to them. I think my parents are aware enough to recognize their own alcohol abuse and its impacts though, and they take me rejecting alcohol entirely as a slight at them for that so defensively try to change me instead of reflecting. It’s a weird dynamic

      • Doubledee [comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        Honestly that seems like a very charitable and insightful understanding of them. I can tell they matter a lot to you.

        If you haven’t tried a firm but polite refusal they might be concerned enough about decorum for that to stop them in the moment? I’ve known people like this who are very intent on the appearance of politeness and harmony. But you know them better than me.

        Whatever the case please protect yourself and your partner. If they can manipulate you into doing something like this they could maybe get you to do other things you would regret.


        • NewOldGuard [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
          2 months ago

          You’ve got good intuition there they certainly value that outward image highly. And yeah after all this I decided we should leave early. I want a good relationship with my family in the abstract but need to have my boundaries respected first, and they’re not willing to do that without a fight right now. Thank you for your insight and concern, it means a lot

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 months ago

    As someone who was raised Christian and still has some level of religious participation, this is unsettling to read about. Using that kind of pressure on someone to do religious activity is repulsive, the Bible has a lot to say about promoting people to take part in the religion non-genuinely.

    You’ve done nothing wrong and are entirely justified in not coming back. Tell them about all the boundaries they’ve crossed, and that it’s neither okay nor useful to try to coerce someone into halfhearted religious activity. You’re fully within your rights to say you’ll never come back unless they promise you they won’t make you take a role in religious stuff, or prompt you to drink, or anything else you want to include. It’s worth it to live your own life, not their projections of it.

  • that sucks. :( finding and cultivating a chosen family as an alternative to a family of origin has been a source of resilience for me, though it does make my biological family feel entitled to judge me and be shitty to me as it suits them. I guess because my lack of consistent presence in their lives does not grant them some level of affirmation to which they feel entitled. that must mean my life is easy. because obviously it’s so easy to make new friends in distant lands and build new connections when you’ve had to unlearn bad habits and reconcile habits’ origins in trauma.

    I console myself with the knowledge that they are all doomed to live with each other until the most bitter end, enabling destructive patterns, manipulating each other for zero sum gains, making each other miserable, because they literally alienate everyone else they know and only have each other and the people they pay to clean their messes and smile and nod at their stories.

    I used to try and fight for some kind of honest line of communication to be maintained, but it’s become hard to see the point anymore. integrity? is that when I am being held to a higher standard while they can be hippocrites and blame me for their feelings of persecution because I am protecting myself from further abuse? its maddening in the moment when I am actively and suddenly having to resist being pulled in. but when I am back in my life, working my little modest public sector job, sticking to my little budget and unassuming life of pursued contentment, I can see the absurdity in 3 self absorbed, wealthy and comfortable people all fighting for the throne of eternal martyr. in a mansion. in a gated community. with maid service, a continually stocked fridge and near constant vacations to distant lands with weak currencies.

    then I can just eye roll to myself, keep doing what I’m doing and not get pulled into the court intrigue of a petite bourgeoisie house in gerontocratic decline.

    I think about that one line a lot. the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. the precarity of our economic context makes the power dynamics have much higher stakes, unfortunately… but maybe they also make the hard fought for freedom taste sweeter?

    • NewOldGuard [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 months ago

      I dealt with so much abuse and bigotry being raised in the church. They’re words that remind me of years of the worst shit organized religion can do behind closed doors, and this is context that was known in this situation and intentionally disregarded because they don’t view my beliefs and experiences as valid or respectable.

      I don’t expect you to know all the context and details, I’m just venting, but it’s a lot more than just words to me

    • Kuori [she/her]
      2 months ago

      when people are venting about something that impacts them, your opinion as an uninvolved, neutral observer does not matter

      learn to shut the fuck up, sincerely. it’s a valuable skill.