One of my clients got pissed off at the slow pace of their projects, and decided to bring in a 3rd party “project partner”. Tomorrow I’m having a “conversation” with Senior Leadership Team. I have a real bad feeling I’m about to be scapegoated for the failures of the project team because the project team manager is besties with my manager. I hate this feeling so fucking much.
I know exactly how that feels. We’re here for you if you need it
I appreciate it man. Let’s see how it plays out. It’d suck to be looking for a new job a few days before my birthday.
I’m OK money wise for a while, but I don’t think I can do another 6 months without a job.
Let’s hope things don’t happen that fast. Even if they do, the job market is weirdly hot this time of year.
My boys’ birthday is this Saturday as well so I get how you feel. I think you’ll be able to ride it out until past Christmas
I’m stoned, a little faint after changing the bandage (just a non-stick one held one with normal bandaids lol) so lying on the couch. I’m such a pussy when it comes to my own body - I can watch and even help with wounds, but when it’s my wound… Ugh!
Got a bag of twisties though! #winning
Oh bummer. Hope you’re not too out of sorts.
Are you busy at the moment?
I’m alright :) just hate seeing my own blood haha
I’m not particularly busy:) why?
Just going to send you a PM
Got a reference request from a former colleague that I did not along with.
Our work relationship was cold, at best, so it’s interesting that they would want to use me a reference.
I declined politely.
They were difficult to work with and created a large amount of unnecessary work for everyone.
you were more polite than I woulda been.
When I say polite it was basically
‘Considering our respective roles during your time here, I am not in a position to provide you with a good reference. Good luck with the job hunt’
This person still knows people in our organisation, so I didn’t think to completely destroy the bridge…just in case
Great way to fob them off, you never know how people respond to more explicit rejection and it can fuck stuff up in other ways.
Got off TAFE early today. Teacher had to pick up her kid from childcare cause they couldn’t be arsed dealing with a three year old’s tantrum. Some bullshit about the literal toddler posing a threat to other kids.
I was hoping to get more work done today. Guess I’m getting more units extended to next week.
Ordered pizza, watch some TV then bed I think. May as well speed up the time till the meeting tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone ❤️
You’re gonna be alright friend :) 💜
2 more days and I’m on leave for 3. So much I need to get done before I go.
That’s one thing I love about my job, there is no ongoing work to manage. The moment you leave your desk the work is someone else’s problem and you can just leave and forget about it.
I wish I had that type of role. Because I have a portfolio of clients, they’re my responsibility alone :(
It definitely has its benefits. Although having projects you can see through to the end is also a satisfying thing which I don’t get.
I promise you, for the types of projects I’m involved in, there’s little satisfaction in seeing them to their end lol
Work from home all approved and I have a nice open ended task to spend half a day on. Things are going well
First class survived. Don’t think I made a tit of myself. Making friends seems unlikely though.
omg, I just had a sparrow eat from my hand 🥰
How does it feel to be a Disney princess?
I’ve started my shed cleanout. There is a lot of junk in there! And a lot of dirt ☹️ If anyone is in the market for a slightly rusty hand saw let me know, I seem to have lots of them! I’m not even sure why I have some of this stuff, I’m pretty sure someone has been sneaking in and stashing stuff when I’m not looking. Couldn’t possibly have been me!
I guzzled the appropriate amount of water on Sunday and Monday, as my vein gushed a tad yesterday lol. First time 'round last year, the machine kept beeping because my pressure was low, because I didn’t eat or drink enough.
This time, I filled that bag up quicksmart! Had a Nippy’s Iced Coffee and some potato chips after. But yeah, now my elbow-pit is rather sore, I keep catastrophising and think it’s still bleeding and I don’t want to look, as it was when I changed the dressing yesterday (3 hours afterwards).
But! No complaints! Follow the directions and drink heaps of water!
Edit: actually, the only complaint is the bruise on my left middle finger from the haemoglobin test. I forget how much the tips of the fingers are used until one is sore 😅
some lemmy medals 🎖️🎖️🎖️ it’s a wonderful thing you are doing 😘
They’re putting in the hard work collecting it all 🙌🏼 I just go in when they text me that they want my blood type haha although, the nurse there said that my vein is real big so I should consider plasma donations.
Can do it more often, and they need people with big fat veins to handle the blood being back in when they seperate the plasma. 🤷🏼♀️ I should rack up my donation numbers lol
Yay go you!!
It just rained and now it’s sunny again. It smells earthy. Time to take the rubbish out.
Oh that’s what it called. I never knew it had a name.
Morning. I had a very vivid dream in which
I was running late to work
but had borrowed a car so was trying to do everything I needed a car for while I had it, so I’d gone to a library (that looked like a stereotypical posh US high school)… was cutting it fine and trying to fat-fingerly message my colleagues to please make me a coffee, but then just as I’m trying to drive off I find out the cat (I somehow own a skinny white one) has snuck into the car, and is now trying to escape… cue increasing panic as the wriggly thing keeps getting out (and some Indonesian kid passing by takes photos of it) and then runs all around the car once I’ve trapped it inside and I can’t drive, and I see the “typing…” animation on the group chat and I realise it’s time for everyone else to leave and I’m still not there…
… so I wake up groggily to check the time on the clock and FUCK it’s 6:55am? I need to leave in ten!.. only to grab my phone and see it’s 6:05am… and here I am, adrenaline unnecessarily coursing through my system, resolutely staying in bed until i have to get up. 🥱 😴
You have got this and I believe in you, and if you feel like you don’t have this then you can maybe just chuck a sickie?
Some people just suck all the air in meetings. Dude, shut the fuck up and let someone else talk!!!
Do they also start with, “in my experience”?
Oh my God we had someone like this at my old workplace and he was just insufferable. In the field, in meetings, just never knew when to stfu with his bad takes. Nobody liked him. Claimed he had ASD but after a certain point it’s like no, you’re a jerk with ASD. Definitely glad we don’t have anyone like him where I work now
Left my hat and water bottle at the office before field work and have been mega cranky and annoyed today. Not how I wanted my day to go at all, I was looking forward to field work. And the moving place I inquired with seems to have a non-working number, I missed their callback but when I call their number it keeps cutting off. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I am PEEVED!
Need to have a good shower and some feel good show for tonight.
E: I will say, going out has given me a lot more pep and energy in other ways now that I’ve hydrated and cooled off. I miss field work!!! I need to make this more regular