My WhiteBoy used to very deliberately insert one claw into my nostril an effective and obnoxious wake up method
My WhiteBoy used to very deliberately insert one claw into my nostril an effective and obnoxious wake up method
Well that was a temper tantrum. I should probably get a PMDD assessment. But not today cunt.
I find the purring helps kick my insomnia. Cat doesn’t always want to sleep in human bed. So cannot apply as necessary.
Brute force disconnecting the holding bit from the technology. Probably watched me do a refill and figured it out. They lack thumbs not brains!
The boys have broken into the auto feeder. Pre dawn carnage of cat biscuits and robot parts. I am not awake enough for this.
Words not chopped finely enough for you?
This blue lump disagrees
Totally get this if you can, and do the extra two hours I think??? To be a trainer at the same time
Now we have a problem 🗡️
Well done Sir 🍍
Which makes your educational deficiencies apparent
Ooh err! Maaaah he hit me!
Excellent, Thankyou
Oh dear, you seem to have bird flu. What a pity.
Much sympathy for bullshit.
I would like lemon cordial and assortment of salad veg. Mine is the black& red Dymocks bag.
Would you like to have an argument?
Yes! I wish to register a general protest about pizzas that claim to be hot. Fuck your 1/8 teaspoon of flakes!
Spotted quoll
Perfect 🖤
Pills was long enough ago I can’t totally trust my memory. Shots messed me up in ways I didn’t realise properly until a few years off them. Surgical now, and on countdown to it not mattering anyway. But yeah, I can get explosively unreasonable.