I’ve had one of those super long hairs be ingrown. It just coiled in on itself. I thought it was a black spot, so I dug it out with a sharp pair of tweezers. Once I got it and started pulling, it just kept going. Hair and puss came out and it felt terrible. Once I got it out it healed very quickly and felt much better, so I’m glad I did it, but that feeling still creeps me out.
I needed to have “under the skin” stitches removed for a surgery that went across my throat from almost ear to ear. For whatever reason they did not use the type that dissolve but I was told that they would be removed after a few weeks. When they did, the process was to cut the knot and proceed to pull what seemed like a two foot long and thick hair out of me. It was like a magician pulling handkerchiefs from his hat. It just would not end and it felt awful.
Holy shit, new nightmare unlocked.
I’ve had some horrific shit done to me for medical purposes. What got me through it was remembering two things. First of all, this is all to fix something else, it may get bad but it will get better. Second of all, pain is only temporary and exists only in my body/mind, it holds no power over me and it will pass.
Hope you had have fixed whatever was wrong, that makes something like that worth it.
Stitches that desolve are excellent. I hate the kind that needs to be monitored and removed manually. But I hate it even more when they use the staple kind, there is something just not right in using staples on a human being.
Heh, I had to have like 200 stitches removed from when I had my hand crushed and we got snowed in two appointments in a row so I just got scissors and tweezers and went to work.
The best way was every other stitch you cut.
Takes forever if you do them one at a time, but the draggy feeling just gets to be way too much if you go for three.
Makes me shiver just thinking about 3.
The doctor that did my surgery specializes in neck and head cancer. Because cancer sucks enough, he likes to leave no visible scar. I do not know how he does it but the net result is a scar with two tiny knots at each end. To remove, they cut the knots at each end and pull on one side. It leaves a hair thin line of discoloration rather than your typical Frankenstein thick scar with staples or stitch lines.
what does “snowed” mean in this context?
When it snows so much that the roads become undrivable.
Actual snow from the sky covering the roads till they shut them down
Wait until you get a stint pulled out of your urethra
Unfortunately…multiple times.
Ugh, reminds me of my drain removal after top surgery, and those suckers were nearly the diameter of a pencil eraser.
So the surgery I was talking about was for an aggressive thyroid cancer that had spread. The bonus to the stitch removal was the two drain lines they had to pull from my neck. At least those were more of a dull tugging, but I could feel the line slide across my throat. Yuck.
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And the taste even better
Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?
reminds me of the time my dad’s cat got into the sewing machine and I had to pull like 3 yards of string out of his mouth.
I’m assuming he just ate the thread, and his tongue wasn’t ran over by the sewing machine 😬
I had one of them in my left arm right at like the bottom of the shoulder muscle. Only thing that happened with it was the pore like… Stretched out until it was about the size of the pump needle you use for like a basketball. Even after finally getting the hair out of it the pore never fully closed back up. I like to joke that it’s my vaccine injection port but it’s like an inch or so too low for where they usually put them.
One day you’ll pull the last of it out and then you deflate
All of my nipple hairs are like 3-4 inches long.
Those are tassels
OP came here to ask a question not to listen to you brag.
Braid them
Username checks out?!?
How else would you keep them warm? Intelligent design proved!
it’s a DIY niple warmer. you just need to braid or crochet it yourself
You could do a comb-over
those are the strings used to puppeteer you, don’t cut them or you’ll “die”
Hello charlotte
Sometimes they don’t cut them all to the same size at the factory.
They can happen to anyone. Some hypothesis why they happen include: uv damage to skin, hormonal imbalences, malnourishment, and genetic factors.
I once had one on my shoulder and it really weirded me out lol
I have one of these on my forehead, it grows to around 2 inches or so, and its white or light blond (the rest of my hair is brown)
I think we have the same mod installed.
Same here, wtf is that?
I used to have one pop up ever so often on my neck, which was weird because up until a few years ago I didn’t even grow facial hair.
Just like overnight all of a sudden I would have a 2-in long white hair sticking out of my neck.
I get one of these long hairs on the very top of my ears. It’s weird.
dude you have atennae?!?
What channels did ya get?
Occasionally I’ll have an eyelash grow this long.
? Doesn’t bother you at all before it gets that long?
Somehow I don’t even notice it until it’s that long. It’s always white too. Happened to me like five times so far.
I have a single hair on the tip of my nose. It doesn’t grow this long, maximum 2-3 mm, I always pull it out when I notice it in the mirror, but it always regrows in the exact same location.
I have one singular belly hair that is like 2-3cm long and not even in the centre. It’s like ten centimetres to the side of my belly button. The rest of my belly hair is peach fuzz (part black part white). That one also always regrows.
Edit: I have a few nose hairs that are black and a bit more course than usual face fuzz. Like maybe about ten?
Sounds like my chest hair. It’s just the one.
Have you considered zapping it with laser or electrolysis?
No, it doesn’t bother me that much, it was just a fun fact, to show OP she is not alone. Never thought I should do something more about it, it’s not a big deal pulling it out every 1-2 months, and I don’t really care about my look.
Still good to know you have the option of removing your nose, just in case it starts bothering you.
Its a common prank to sew these into people while they sleep, I forget what the kits are called but they get bought cheap single use online.
That’s actually just the tail skin that it shed when it entered.
Some positronic fibres are known to grow out of control in a negligible amount of cases and may protrude through the epidermal sheath. Won’t affect the implant in any way. Looks like you got the lucky draw!
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I had one too, on my left arm. Yeah it’s weird.