• 96 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • These are a lot of assumptions about a person you don’t know.

    As a counterexample, if there were any other substance which could replace vodka and coffee liqueur in their entirety while not containing alcohol, I’d drink Virgin White Russians all day long. Same goes for Jäger. And I have already tried some non-alcoholic gins and they entirely miss the pungency, which is the very element which confers alcohol its unique taste.

    No, I genuinely do not like alcohol for its effects. It is not my jam. If I want to enjoy both the buzz and safe dips into my dark place, I smoke a doobie.

    As for your argument about music, I think this is the wrong point of comparison. If you’re referring to a strictly emotional reaction, taste has that covered all on its own.

  • Honestly, I think greed is deep enough to cover it. Not trying to be dramatic or pithy with this, just that unchecked greed has pushed every system in direct contact with it to the breaking point, from climatic to social.

    And the world as we know it is a very, very complex system, which is now cascading under the weight of its own inertial downfall, with subsystems feeding into eachother’s failure.

    It’s a domino effect. We barely understood the implications of each piece before everything started falling apart, and now the distance between us and understanding is increasing as things are accelerating.

  • Thank you for the heads-up. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully OK with it, but I think it had to be me.

    I’m terribly sorry you had to go through this. And I understand exactly what you mean. They knew who would and who wouldn’t, and it was an act of love.

    Mum never even discussed it with me. She was one of those people who doesn’t even want to accept that Death is a thing, let alone discuss it. But cancer had beaten her down so much, that she couldn’t deceive herself anymore. Which is why I told her the truth, I thought it cruel to give her false hope, and incomprehensibly selfish if I’d have insisted they tried to prolong her suffering through any other option. I didn’t even feel resentment, I realised then and there that it couldn’t have been anyone else, weirdly, because most other people who had skin in the game would have faltered. I just wanted her to have peace and not to suffer any more than she already did (and she suffered enough for several lifetimes, all in all).

    It does feel cruel at times, though, to be faced with this choice in relation to a loved one. Letting go is one thing, but to have a deciding role in their departure… yeah…

    Again, I’m truly sorry, it’s a horrid situation any way we’d cut it. But I am glad (I have no better word) that you’ve made some peace with it. I hope it’ll keep getting lighter and lighter for you. Hell, for both of us.

    And thank you for sharing this!