Its not getting any better. Everyday is a new heat record. I dont know what to do. I cant live in a future like this

  • Ben Matthews
    12 minutes ago

    I’ve been calculating and struggling with climate change for - well, seems a long time now.
    As a young man, I didn’t expect that world society would survive as long as it has, I thought climate was existential now - in the 1990s - so I tackled what I could then, rather than planning for my life decades later (which is consequently not easy).
    But we’re still here, and actually the range of scenarios looks somewhat better now than projections back then.
    Probably emissions in China have just peaked, and as these are such a big chunk of the global total over last 20 years, so that may have peaked too. Global science and civil society has, collectively, helped to influence that. We have bent the curves. Of course there is inertia in the system, it takes time for carbon and heat to penetrate the deep ocean and the ice, so the surface temperature will continue to rise for decades, but not necessarily for centuries - that’s still our choice. Yes, some megacities will drown beneath the sea, and others become uninhabitable due to heatwaves and drought, but there will be plenty of other places to live, we’ll need some redistribution. Many other species will be (and have been) lost, but life on earth has survived worse catastrophes, life will go on.
    Especially people who care about such future, who educate themselves about the challenges, yourself included, should be part of that. But it’s a long-term problem, without quick-fixes, so plan accordingly, saving some strength for later, we’ll still need it.

  • @some_guy
    37 hours ago

    I’m not having kids. I’ve resigned myself to living out my days doing the best I can to minimize my impact on the world and being as happy as I can be. I have no hope for the future, but I think I’m old enough that I’ll escape before the absolute hell of it all occurs. But even that is me banking on things happening slower than we think they might.

  • ProdigalFrog
    15 hours ago

    Even if the world went net zero tomorrow, we would still see new heat records. The climate is like a flywheel on a car, it’ll take a lot if time to notice things slowing down and getting better even after we reduce emissions.

    Things are slowly improving, and it’s likely we’re at the beginning of an S-curve when it comes to renewable energy, which should do some heavy hitting.

    Even so, things aren’t moving as quickly as any of us would like, and that is depressing, but don’t lose hope, Jaun. The future is not set in stone, and the more of us who keep pushing each other on, doing our small parts to help, in whatever way that is, adds up collectively and helps reduce the damage on the other end of that flywheel.

  • ArtieShaw
    1213 hours ago

    “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all -

    And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm -

    I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.

    -Emily Dickenson

    It’s not an answer to the problem, but sometime little things can get us through dark places.

  • HubertManne
    813 hours ago

    I know how you feel but we are alive for now. Just enjoy every bit of nature you can. Walks, bike rides, whatever is available in your area. If you have not already, don’t have kids, and just try to reduce, reuse, recycle to the level you can. Enjoy other simple things. Friends, food, and simple fun.

  • Dr. Wesker
    16 hours ago

    I cant live in a future like this

    Well, technically, none of us can if it keeps getting worse.