I’m doing a favour for someone that involves me spending the night in the Yarra Valley tonight. I have a gorgeous fire going, and I’m kicking back with some yummy cheese. And I’m being genuinely helpful. Love it.
That’s aussie living right there! Enjoy!
That sounds amazing. Enjoy!
Had to clip Mickey’s claws a bit - he kept getting them stuck and then not being able to release it and yowling in pain. So I had my partner cuddle him with his oodie, and I used some small curved scissors and just very slightly clipped the very tips of his claws, just to remove the curve.
He did so well, no struggling or freaking out. He wasn’t happy, but he wasn’t afraid. He such a great cat!
I’ll have to grab him a new scratchy thing and keep an eye on his claws.
Awww what a good boi <3
Truly the chillest cat I’ve had, even when he’s ratchet.
If I tried that with Gibson, she’d go for my eyes
I was surprised he was as chill as he was. I think it helps that I adopted him when he was 4 months and I’ve handled his paws without doing anything since. Just petting them or kissing them, so he’s already pretty relaxed when I interact with his paws. I just expected him to not like the clipping itself, but yeah, no issues and hasn’t gotten caught on anything since :D
I wish I’d handled her paws more when she was a kitten. I pay someone else to do it. But admittedly, the vet requires her to be drugged before I bring her in so it’s not just me lol
Definitely way easier when they’re sedated haha, next time you go to the vet and you have to sedate her, you could enquire if they would trim her claws a bit.
But if they’re not causing issues for her then I wouldn’t stress; this is literally the first time I’d ever clipped Mickey’s claws and it was only because he was getting them caught in everything.
I wish I could get the cat harness on Ted.
I need to get one for Mickey, I think he really would benefit from exploring my buildings little garden
Good Luck from the BatBoys!
Holy Sardines!!
No stenchful fishies!
Ikea sent my stuff in a big box. With a cut out door and window and roof peep hole it will make an excellent cat play house for Bill and Ted. 😸😸
Every large box that enters our home becomes a cat box!
May they have many excellent adventures in it.
A bit of light home defense jiu-jitsu wasn’t on my bingo card. Some persistent drunk dude convinced it was his house. Tried to barge in past me when I opened the gate he’d been rattling. Interested to see how the hernia surgery feels tomorrow, been two months now.
oh jeez that isn’t good. Hope you’re alright.
Oh I’m fine and so is the guy I got rid of.
Ice and rest. 😘
Feeling a bit snack-ey but wasnt impressed with any of the pantry offerings. Thought about cooking a quick cake or something but no packet mixes left. Then I remembered: I’m an adult and a semi-competent baker, I can just make something from scratch. Oat and choc chip muffins now in the overn.
I did banana choc chip muffins yesterday, but must’ve accidentally used a magical disappearing recipe. There are not that many left. Although a few did make it into the freezer for future snack emergencies.
Went and picked up my medical cannabis from the post office today. Very odd, showing my ID, it all being legitimate instead of meeting someone in the corner of the pub. Haven’t had any in about 20 years. It is a trial to see if it helps with my chronic pain from all my climbing injuries. Also, the manual for the vaporiser gives detailed instructions of how to pack it… In 6 different languages …
If you had told 16 year old me, that this would be a thing, his mind would be blown lol
Pack it in Dutch for the best effect
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It came to my place via overnight courier, but I wasn’t home. Was available for pickup at the PO working the hour
They won’t leave it at your door, you have to either be home or get it from the Post Office.
Mine have always come in blank boxes, no clues to what’s inside.
is it me or is it freezin’?
I felt a bit cold this afternoon and went out in my full winter gear.
Tomorrows going to be really cold though. Top of 11 or 12.
I’ve got the blanket wrapped around my midseciton like a kilt.
Get up and dance like no one is watching. Except for the cats. They will be judging.
My fingers are so bloody cold 😭
Oh no…I knew I should have worn my puffer jacket to work today. About to leave and head out into it
It wasn’t too bad during the day today, but yesterday the wind was freezing. The mornings have gone cold again and tomorrow’s forecast looks terrible. Fool’s spring is a real thing!
Happy Friday the 13th . Boo.
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Is your appointment at 2:30? Sorry, I’ll see myself out…
Do not recommend tripping balls on demazin and watching brazil
Terry Gilliam?
I imagine it’s the same Brazil that Terry made. Don’t even need substances to make Brazil a wild ride.
He makes such great movies tbh. I love all of his stuff.
Yeah. You just lose any track of the plot
Not enough sleep but TGIF!
Fuck yes!!!
So… yesterday while getting some good ole IT support, I tell them I have no write access is because the folder is outside of the directory (that everyone thinks it is in). Emphatically told (x 3) nope, that should not affect my permissions. Then enjoyed a mansplain back to me about where the folder was located (I know, I detailed an email to a senior 2 months ago—who had no idea what I was talking about) and walked me through their cmd force update. It wasn’t particularly patronising, but it was like I wasn’t even heard.
I mean I probably couldn’t IT help desk to save my life, but I can’t say it doesn’t hurt when I’ve done a little fun time hobbying with CLI.
But hey, small wins. At least it was fixed this time. Not like I have been waiting for two months or anything.
Work gave me a bag of lollies for R U Ok day and it’s mostly those hard lollies that shred your tongue to pieces.
So ‘if you are ok, you won’t be’ is what they’re saying.
Rock Candy? I love and hate them. Delicious pure sugar, but made from crystallised razor blades 😭
Something something pleasure and pain.
Like the Wish version of rock candy but yeah, sugary razor blades lol.
Here’s my playlist for tonight. Starts with 50s 60s 70s 80s and 90s plus added stuff.
Love it
Party on, Urflings 🤘🍺
Come ooooooon paycheck.
😂 😂 😂
Only here for the beer 🍻🤘👽🍺