Remember that Dale also did not know what the confederate flag truly meant. He just thought it was a southern thing. And the minute someone told him how offensive it was to them, he went and immediately scraped it off his truck and apologized.
Dale wasn’t no damn loser traitor.
And nowadays, he’d be labeled woke and accosted by the right…
Checks out! What a bro.
Most people back then didn’t give the Confederate flag a second thought.
That and it was prohibition so your moonshine operation was against the law.
One of my favorite songs from Jim Croce, Rapid Roy the Stock Car Boy, has a whole verse on this!
Rapid Roy, that stock car boy, He’s the best driver in the land He says that he learned to race a stock car By runnin’ shine outta Alabam’ Oh the demolition derby and the figure 8 Is easy money in the bank Compared to runnin’ from the man In Oklahoma City With a 500 gallon tank
1800l of shine would weigh more than most cars, what on earth was he driving?
Couldn’t tell you the exact make and model, but afair, prohibition was when American automakers first began making high performance cars, specifically because a lot of people needed something that was able to move a shitload of weight while still being faster than the cops.
The specific number in the song is probably just either artistic hyperbole for “a hell of a lot” or a number that fit the meter, though 😁
I suspect hyperbole. Cool song though.
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Actually it was bootlegging.
The underlying point is the same. Bootleggers were providing what the people wanted and cops were in the way because ACAB. That’s the core of it.
I’ll remind you that prohibition required a Constitutional amendment, the idea was very popular.
Popular amongst Protestant busybodies with more zeal than sense and outsized influence on politicians, sure, but not necessarily the population in general.
I’ll in turn remind you that it became so unpopular that they passed a new amendment to get rid of it, the only time that ever happened.
It was popular for a reason people don’t understand now: women were getting the shit beaten out of them by their drunken husbands. So a huge number of people, especially women, thought prohibition would stop that. Unfortunately, it just created a whole new kind of violence without reducing the domestic violence.
But the cause was a lot more noble than people give it credit for.
A lot of people don’t know that Abraham Lincoln was a big proponent of prohibition. It was seen by progressives as an important step to move society forward.
women were getting the shit beaten out of them by their drunken husbands. So a huge number of people, especially women, thought prohibition would stop that
They thought wrong. Typical of conservatives to blame something external and simple for a societal problem rooted in toxic gender roles and family structures.
the cause was a lot more noble than people give it credit for.
Except for the fact that there’s nothing noble about jumping to conclusions and trying to solve the only tangentially related problems of some by depriving everyone else of something that most of them enjoyed more or less responsibly.
a reason people don’t understand now
On the contrary: we still understand that domestic violence is awful and we now also understand that alcohol doesn’t in itself cause it.
are you seriously blaming conservatives for something that the progressives of the time championed?
The “progressives” of the time were quite conservative, yes.
Scapegoating a chemical compound for problems caused by toxic gender roles and social ills wasn’t progressive and legislating based on such a colossal misunderstanding of cause and effect rooted in religion, moral panic, and othering is textbook conservatism.
Dude, it was the 1920s. People did not understand that the problem was not alcohol-related. Also, many people, mostly men, did not think there was a domestic violence problem because they thought it was an okay thing to do. You are looking back on it with 2024 knowledge and values.
People did not understand
That’s actually my point: they passed major legislation based on a guess not supported by knowledge. People knew THAT is a bad idea in the 1920s (and 1919 when the law was passed), though it seems to have been forgotten in the century since…
Also, many people, mostly men, did not think there was a domestic violence problem because they thought it was an okay thing to do
I’m fully aware of that. My point is that the people who didn’t agree that it was ok was wrong to pass law based on an unproven assumption as to the underlying reasons.
You are looking back on it with 2024 knowledge and values.
More like 1990s values at the latest. Demagoguery and scapegoat politics haven’t gotten the bad rap it deserves in the wider population for a LONG time…
Well some people want kiddie porn and cops are in the way of that too, so probably not the best line of reasoning there.
But trotting out a mountain sized false equivalence is? 🙄
It’s not false equivalence, it’s negation of your logic, but different.
I might have put down, some people want to get drunk and beat you up, and the police is in the way of that too, now unless you are into that you provably don’t want to get beaten up by drunks.
The crime doesn’t matter, I choose extreme example to get the point across that your reasoning as to why ACAB is flawed and meaningless point farming.
It’s not false equivalence
It very much is. You’re equivocating alcohol and child abuse.
it’s negation of your logic
Nope. Just because cops arrest child abusers doesn’t mean that they’re the only answer. In fact, a well-funded social safety net is much better at discovering and stopping it and most if not all other societal, psychological and psychiatric problems than cops will ever be.
but different.
Well, at least you got that part right 🤷
I might have put down, some people want to get drunk and beat you up, and the police is in the way of that too, now unless you are into that you provably don’t want to get beaten up by drunks
Another case of giving cops credit for something that they do by default even though their way of dealing with it is much WORSE than alternative ways less focused on use of force and punishment as a deterrent.
The crime doesn’t matter
It very much does, as treating every societal problem with the same blunt tool is an awful idea
get the point across that your reasoning as to why ACAB is flawed
Overly simplified for the sake of brevity, maybe, but otherwise nope, wrong again.
meaningless point farming
This might be difficult to understand to someone whose opinions are unpopular because they’re bad, but sometimes people express honest opinions that other people agree with, rather than playing pretend for points.
So you genuinely think that all cops are bastards? No nuance, no nothing?
The “good” cops stand up for the same system that shelters, protects, and encourages the bad cops. There’s no nuance. It is what it is. Therefore ACAB.
Haha welcome to Lemmy m8. I’ve gotten into this exact argument before. I’m all for police reform and I was out there in the George Floyd protests but the hatred of police officers on this platform is absolutely rabid.
Imo, the argument that ACAB because the good ones don’t stop the bad ones can be applied to virtually any group of people. So we’re all bastards I guess.
The crime doesn’t matter
It sure does.
Except when it is the cops.
Well THOSE assholes are not welcome in the hot rod community, so there’s that.
Same difference.
Yeah. And bootleggers run from the cops. Because fuck em
Also because they’d prefer to stay alive and free.
That’s true haha
Actually, there was a big culture in rural areas to just fuck with cops for fun, and the best way to avoid being arrested is to be faster than the cops.
Wasn’t the whole stock car thing started by shinerunners?
Yes, which is the entire point of the meme.
In that case, they were running from the police because they’d have gone to prison if they got caught.
Yes, that was never a question.
Breaking the law is illegal.
Pretty sure stock cars started with Ford with their Model T.
Capitalism is why. There was a market for moonshine and high profit margins for the risk.
Money is usually the motivation
Seems a bit reductive. Everything boils down to money if you’re content to look no higher up the hierarchy of needs.
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Capitalism isn’t market forces existing at all.
Capitalism is directing and manipulating those forces towards accumulation and endless growth, following an ethos of “more is more and more is inherently good”
I suspect that there would be a shitload more anticapitalist people in the world if everyone was aware that markets and capitalism aren’t synonyms…
Capitalism is not equal to smuggling or free markets. Capitalism means the private ownership of the means of production, and a market economy is possible under other systems.
Yee haw, fuck the law.
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Reminds me of Bikers with a rebel lifestyles being the ultimate bootlickers
Wellll there’s two types of bikers, there’s those that want to seem like rebels, and there’s meth dealers that will kill you. There’s also people who ride motorcycles that aren’t “bikers” too.
Totally! I did a ride along with a bunch of boomer bikers riding harleys while I rode my “crotch rocket”. Half were police officers. it was weird to be anti-establishment in our get up and watch the ride leader radio police to back off.
Totally agree on the meth bikers. They’re scary.
There’s an antique boat style here called ‘pirtuvene’, literally grain alcohol boat. These boats smuggled millions of liters of pure alcohol through the gulf of Finland from Estonia. Smugglers were gunned down, coast guard were gunned down, people were drinking more booze than ever and boat builders were doing good business both with the smugglers and the cops.
When people are digging to China, sell shovels
That’s fuckin wild lol
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Why run though? You got a car, drive mofo!
Booze, actually. But same basic concept.