Lol. I’m not watching this shit. Fuck off.
1 hour 30 minute replies to 15min videos. I don’t know if I could handle that much fact and reason.
mfer looks like he’s about to launch his new podcast The Program
as the first guest
I can’t imagine how lame intro music would be
It would probably be some eurobeat remix of “god saves the queen” or some shit like that.
you know Hasan isn’t CIA because the CIA made their own version of him and it’s nothing like the real deal
-Has video complaining about MLs whitesplaning.
-Two of four recommended videos are of him whitesplaining responses to Hakims videos.
Lonerbox makes BadEmpanada look coolheaded and rational.
Critical support to Bad Empanada against these libshits
1 hour 30 minute replies to 15min videos.
Almost certainly off the cuff ramblings clipped from a stream too. Who needs a concise and well structured response when you can just waffle on about the first thing that comes to mind for an hour.
Didn’t this gross pos also accompany another gross mf to israel and whitewash the settler state very recently.
that must be what this is about:
Loner box is a piece of shit
Oh Hakim has a history of Ukraine video? I should check that out
the discourse: people mailing each other videos and replying without watching anything the other person links
Imagine larping off content you hate.
resting kubrick stare face, the ghouls don’t make human suits like they used to