Quiet weekend. Work paid for dinner and a couple of drinks. Happens once a month.
Glad I’m in a different sector. All the IT places I worked for were awful and tight asses.
You deserve this happiness, you’ve worked so hard for it!
Gaming weekend then?
Did you ever give anything away thinking it’s worthless, or that you’ll never use or want it again, and then over a decade later think WHY TF DID I DO THAT I’M A COMPLETE IDIOT?!?!?!?!
Yeah that’s me.
Missing my old Macintosh 512K from 1984 with second external disk drive, in perfect working condition. That I now want to tinker with bad, especially now that there are great storage/communications options that can be built for them.
Retro-computing is EXPENSIVE now.
The one thing I wanted back from the past is my Intellivision. It may or or be in a derelict shed. Gone either way.
I’ll pour one out for it tonight.
I wish I still had my childhood Commodore 64. Been on the lookout for one for a while now, but even the fixer-uppers are worth heaps. The days of $20 garage-sale specials are long gone!
I put a commodore 64 on my hard rubbish pile 20 years ago. Not proud of that now.
Hindsight is 20/20!
I do still have 2 Nintendo game&watch😹 batteries cost more than the hardware now!
My dad bought a certain brand of keyboard for music, in the 80s, and he’s accumulated many different ones now. I cannot remember the brand/model, but he sold it before I was born and kicks himself for it because 1) it’s worth a lot now, and 2) he said it made the best sound and his current ones don’t come close.
My dream if I win the lotto, would be to buy him a moog
70s/80s audio electronics were so much better, completely agree.
I luckily DO have my dad’s old hifi setup, the sound is just -chef’s kiss-
Aw man that sound would be sick as from your dad’s setup! Jelly as
Not gonna lie it’s pretty awesome ☺️ And as a bonus, our 5 year old is becoming great at turning records over for me at the end of the side! Especially the Bluey picture discs 😄
My husband had an IBM Original 286 that he still reminisces about to this day.
My first computer was an Amstrad
Friend of mine had an Amstrad, I remember it being wiiiiide. Nice machine though!
I had 2. Both hand me downs. First one, tape deck. Second one, floppy disk.
On the upside, emulators exist any I still can play Dark Castle and Fools Errand.
As fun as retro computing and gaming is, I’ve found emulation to fulfill that itch for a more reasonable price.
I use Qemu/KVM with virt-manager, I’m currently playing with Windows XP and trying to get games like AOE2, Warcraft3, etc running on it. Eventually I may get an old white LCD 4:3 monitor.
Retro handhelds like the Miyoo Mini Plus, Anbernic RG35XX-H & Trimui Smart Pro are cheap and fun portable retro game handhelds, they are becoming very popular and the firmware mods are getting better.
Yeah I’m also well into emulation. VICE for commodore stuff, and omg how good is exodos! WinUAE for Amiga. I still long for the actual hardware though, I’ve got an old DOS machine and love it, though even that is still a bit too “new” (it’s a PII)
I just wanted to let everyone know I may not be technologically gifted like youse but I can crochet a hat and make really good sandwiches. Ok.
There is a secret to being technologically gifted. Read the instruction manuals. n/k
I’m really tired of the enshitification of clothes. You used to be able to wear, wash, even tumble dry a tshirt for years before it wore out. Now they go out of shape after a single wash. I would happily pay for good quality if it existed, but the extra $ for expensive brands is paying only for the logo, not quality. I’ve had a comedic realisation this is what it will be for the rest of my life, I don’t see clothes quality going back to how it was. RIP my wardrobe forever. Welcome to the future - no world peace, flying cars or spaceships. Just shitty tshirts.
Daily Chair updoot.
the first cushion is completely finished yay
Ooo, I love this!
Anyone see this comment on the other DT yesterday? “Unpopular opinion but I think the daily thread is better post mass exodus of former regulars” How rude! lol
Hi. I’m from the University of Youveneverheardofit and I’m doing a project on bunyips. I was wondering if you could do my 35 minute survey. Thanks I appreciate it.
Thank fuck we don’t get that shit.
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Wolves do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep
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So rude! :)
They can get stuffed.
That is all.
Lol, well good for them were not there then. Love seagoon calling for them to name names, as if they had the necessary amount of brain cells to rub together to remember our usernames haha
Edit: the issue with that place, and the site in general, is the bigots. Everytime something is posted there about housing or crime, it always turns to shitting on minorities/women. Cancerous.
I love calling people out and watching them squirm. 😂
It’s a great thing and in here for it girl 💜
That’s why they are the other thread.
Talk about a desperate attempt for attention
Fuck that shit hole
I can still taste things a bit but my sense of smell is 0%. Kids are feeling noticeably better though which is great 😅
In a further twist, instead of our friend giving COVID to Mr P, it may have actually been the other way around. An acquaintance of his wanted to come over and he told them they couldn’t because COVID. Apparently they said (imagine flippant ditzy voice) “Oh I’ve had that for weeks! Can’t seem to get rid of it!” And then proceeded to regale him with anecdotes about people they’ve seen in recent weeks, including their very elderly parents and people we’ve regularly been in contact with! 😠 Some people are just jerks.
Wife: “why did you buy three 5pk of Ferrero Rocher instead of a 16pk?”
Me: “because a 5pk is $5, while the 16pk is $18”
Wife: <shocked look on her face>
Yeah usually the pricing structure is the other way around lol.
I didn’t participate in Dry July but I probably haven’t had a drink in a month between all the colds and things I’ve had on
Don’t worry. I picked up the slack :)
It’s a thankless job, but we persevere.
Some of us don’t mind doing the heavy lifting.
If we don’t, who will?
Kids requested movie night and they got to pick.
We’re watching Wayne’s World and I’ve never been prouder.
It’s such a snapshot in time and still holds up.
My much-used travel mug developed a minor leak which caused it to drip on me every time I drank from it. I ordered a replacement yesterday (the exact same model) and thanks to the wonders of Amazon it was delivered today. The wonders of the modern age.
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Kids these days. Back when I was a girl we didn’t have that fancy internet thing and people delivering groceries to our door. At your age I walked to the supermarket, half an hour each way with a backpack every week. If I needed something I forgot I just had to do without.
I think the closest you got to food delivery in those days was a Christmas hamper. Or maybe pizza delivery, I think that started when I was still in school.
I am keen for this day to end. I am making a double cheeseburger for dinner and gonna watch that new Aussie show, Fake with Asher Keddie and David Wenham.
I did not know if you want to share a picture you long press it, download it and it turns up in your gallery. Fffffff…
Also the man bought me these because I’ve had a hard time finding these
When my mum was preggo with me, she went through a massive craving for polywaffles. Kept sending dad to the milkbar for more, until the owner started yelling about being sold out and stop coming back every ten minutes for more! 😂
I credit her craving for my love of chocolate ha. Where did he get them??
NQR in Melton which is applicable
Thank youuuuuuu!!!
It was the last Polly Waffle bag.
pollywaffles are definitely yum
God help us.
I know. I told the man what I wanted and he showed me in about 3 seconds. 😂
I’ve never eaten a Pollywaffle before.
Oh really. It’s like a crispy shell filled with marshmallow and coated in chocolate. Still leaves you hungry though.
Yep. Really. I have never seen or eaten one before :(
You must procure one!
I think jubes have the texture of over cooked calamari. Just odd and chewy.
First, she came after our Milky Ways…now the jubes…where will this madness end?!
Oh dear! I don’t mean to shit on anyone’s bad taste but jubes belong on the bottom of the lolly jar with the jelly beans.
Absolutely. I’m not keen on any soft lollies though, I’ll happily throw jelly babies and snakes in that pile. I’ll be over here with the chocolate.
No babies and snakes are ok. What kind of monster are you?
I’m quite happy being the monster with all the chocolate and no yucky lollies!
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I used to love all the milk bottles, teeth and strawberries and cream. Either my tastes changed, the lollies changed or a bit of both because I haven’t enjoyed them the same in years. Now I only get excited by dark chocolate coated liquorice or chocolate in general. Anyone remember wine gums? Mum used to buy all that sort of stuff, which nobody in the house liked.
Liking dark chocolate is a sign of advancing age!
Help? Boyo has gotten a pile of fines (some before I met him) and is in a very bad doom spiral. I ca’t fix this ad he’s refusing to even query what they are. Should I just shut up and let him bankrupt himself?’ Danger words have been said.
Oh Catfish. I’m sorry to hear this. If it was me I’d be looking straight into his eyes and saying “You need to put your big boy pants on so we can sort this out together”.
I do hope you find a solution ♥
Thanks. That approachused to wrk now not so much.
Tbh I’d be going more brutal. If he’s not prepared to work it out he’s gonna sink the both of you and you don’t deserve that. I’m so sorry.
No linked accounts. But yeah…
I’m guessing it’s all too much to deal with and he’s shutting down? You can try a financial counsellor, some community centres have them free for low income earners
Edit: I don’t want to ask your area and can’t link google results on mobile but just search ‘financial counselling free victoria’.
I’m not sure what to do about him refusing to deal with it and the friction that results. I’ve had a few people coming for me for help but refusing actual assistance and it’s a very difficult situation.
You could pick one reputable number (one off the Consumer Affairs site or the Salvos) and write it on a post it. Or call them sitting with him.
But if he’s shutting down or lashing out then all you can do is remember that he’s an adult and responsible for himself. And check whether his finances affect yours.
Thanks. His prior therapy people were for different things but I believe relevant. He’s refusing to even look up the ‘offence numbers If it’s car stuff he didn’t own one then. Simple? W$on’t try.
Yeah I get the avoidance. But it does make it really tricky
Edit: there’s resources
But if he’s unwilling to engage or can’t cope then there’s not much you can do but back off to protect yourself from his reactions.