Haz is genuinely one of the stupidest mfs to ever do it lmao
Wasn’t this the brain genius that said McDonalds was communist because it’s in China?
he also believes that if you have a vagina, you pee out of your butt
He sounds normal.
Oh my god, i completely forgot about this
Is that what he meant? I thought he meant that the urethra and the vagina were the same orifices (don’t know the technical word for this). Like how it is with men.
That’s called a cloaca.
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He also said marijuana feminizes men
Slonk up that gangweed y’all!
Wake up babe new HRT just dropped
I think at the time i Made a joke about smoking a bowl with my impossible burger bc that was going around around that time lmao
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Someone in my org was praising this fellow the other day. It was a bit shocking to see, but thankfully everyone else didn’t miss the opportunity to criticize.
pretty sure landlords in the US are like what landlords were in Mao’s time
I mean…they’re not wrong. The homeless have colonized the streets and are exacting tribute from the average pedestrian. These kinds of people are the worst; we should force them all into apartments and make them take an income like the rest of us so they know how difficult it is to have a roof over your head and a monthly income. These sorts of people should be forced to have basic necessities like food, healthcare and education forced on them; that’ll teach them not to brazenly suffer poverty in public!
why i otta’ treat 'em with Decency and Respect!
“The destitute and marginalized are the most powerful and insidious of our society” is a motherfucker of a reach. Going off the rule that the stupidest possible outcome is the one that happens, these people are going to sweep someday and I am not looking forward to it
If you think about it, someone who has something and someone who definitionally does not have that thing are basically the same thing
These people need to be shot for being the fascists they are.
Redwashing the founding fathers is asinine (I know it’s just fed bullshit, but still). People gotta read Losurdo, jesus christ.
Personally I find it silly as a penguin slipping on seal shit on ice, yet find it a more preferable of a sight than the fascist-made fascist agitprop version with the black sun behind them.
LaRouche wannabe
We deserve to have shit thrown on us by the homeless. We designed, permit, and endorse the system that creates the conditions that make homelessness such a problem. Real solutions are fought aggressively, if not by NIMBYs then by moneyed interests, and bullshit non-solutions that just blow money out of the government’s ass and into the hands of private owners and shitty startups are what’s embraced instead.
WoAh YoU mEaN tHe HoMeLeSs SpIkEs DiDn’T rEdUcE HoMeLesSnEsS?! No way! It’s almost like not actually addressing the problem somehow failed to fix it! Christian values my ass. The guy I read about would have some opinions about the US and its ‘Christians’.
so do the feds purposefully choose the weirdest, dumbest guys to be wreckers or are they just the most gullible or what
Patsoc is natsoc with a p. They are pazis.
I’ve been treated like such shit by so many people who were supposed to be my comrades. Homeless people and drug addicts are such pariah in American society that we’re treated like this even on “the left.”
To me, if you still hold onto these clichés, like that you must “contribute” for your life to matter, you’re still a fucking lib, still worshipping your fucking imaginary social contract hanging in the sky.
What’s worse still is when leftists believe problematic, fucked up lies like “Addicts always lie (when it’s something I don’t want to believe lol).” I shouldn’t need to explain why that’s fucked up.
Used to think these guys were dumb assholes but now realizing they’re dumb assholes who are also evil and should be redacted
c/the_wall when?
Cause I’m all out of dunks for these demon dweebs
unrelated: when will human beings evolve to the point where our heads explode on their own due to sheer logical contradictions