Time to run, get your passport gurlboss
What the entire fuck, Wynn? She wasn’t always like this, was she? What the fuck is “legacy?”
I know it shouldn’t matter, but damn this contrapoints stuff is so jokerfying for me. Comparing Biden to a slave owner in a positive light is beyond pathetic, and really goes to show where getting in bed with liberalism gets you.
Liberals always find ways to disappoint you even more than you thought capable. She’s lost entirely the fucking plot.
Same. What the fuck happened to funny, weird, vulgar contra with her production values and a - e - s - t - h -e - t - i - c shtick? Now she’s just another apologist for mass murdering people? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?
I want to compare all these people to famous Nazis but they’re not the Nazis. They’re Democrats, mass killers and torturers and oppressors fully in their own right, in modernity, they don’t need the ghosts of dead regimes, they’re doing it themselves live in real time.
“I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with blood.”
Aesthetics > Substance. Theatre kids keep losing. Guess when you fundamentally don’t believe in a better future being possible you start down this road of navel gazing bs.
Surprised she didn’t go for Cincinnatus instead of Washington though.
She made a 4 hour video going “So you’re saying I’m a bad person just because I like stuff??” over and over again.
Ages ago, Natalie Wynn was very good at de-radicalizing young men from the far right, and making weird artsy videos about a layman’s foray into Marxism.
And then she got absorbed into the ruling class that she was basically already adjacent to. She’s rich, and famous, and getting paid to answer questions in the Hillary + Chelsea reality show, questions like “what should we do about AIDS?” and “How much cancelling is the right amount of cancelling?”
Amazing that they can just say thing like “Every president in history has a legacy inertwined with the evils of this country” as a justification for both the country and its presidents and keep supporting this system.
Legacy is when liberals lecture everyone by saying, “it’s not enough to support someone for a time, you have to devote your entire life to them. You have to make excuses for the shitty policies they’ve been responsible for throughout their entire life, and mentally rewrite your own memories in their honor. And when they die, you must be buried with them like they’re some kind of brain-leaking mayonnaise-ass Beltway Pharaoh.”
She just got reminded that she’s supposed to be “left wing” and instantly hurt herself in her confusion lmao looks like simply evocating Palestine has become a massive
to libs
She has been like this. She is a brazen liberal.
I mean… Ghandi, for all his accomplishments, had some weird pedo shit going on.
Right? Like buddy maybe test yourself by not testing yourself, ffs.
idk about that, but he said Jews shouldn’t use violent resistance even to save themselves, their families, and their communities from the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
It’s kind of jokerfying to think about how, if America became Fascist-fascist in the way she fears, she’d just be off in France or wherever doing more introspective video essays.
it’s only a real contrapoints if it comes from the contrapoints region of france. otherwise it’s just sparkling breadtube
I don’t believe Natalie is capable introspection anymore. She was always a lib, sure, but she wasn’t this.
I understand her move because France was totally alright and nothing bad ever happens there
Nooooooo don’t leave Natalie, you still have more trans people to throw under the bus for the status quo!
And more media projects with hilldawg.
Awwww come here lets hug for all butchering of families you sweet old man.
Fuck you Palestinians, I got mine! (President Kopmala does nothing as further crackdown on trans community and LGBTQ at large proceeds apace)
Ummm actually Democrats and kamala are the biggest saviors of rights especially trans rights. If fascist drumpf wins they can’t do anything. Only kamala can save rights ok!!!
Well its not a nightmare any more just gotta vote blue and hard. Thank you orwell.
If George Orwell came back to life his “nightmare” would be that there’s too many nonwhites in the UK
China is how strong???
He could at least cheer himself by snitching on leftists.
Considering how few of them remains at TERF island that would be a harder job that he would like. Most likely he would became yet another vague ultra-but-really-neocon youtube grifter.
He basically was one before it was mainstream.
The pattern on which they were laid
He would do the eric clapton monologue.
Me, a profound thinker and professional philosophy communicator: This is just like 1984
Me, at a petting zoo: This is just like Animal Farm
Greatest moral book ever written to bravely stand against piece of shit authoritarian country like soviet union.
Whoa whoa whoa. I only compared him to a slaver and said that’s a great note to end on. Not a brown casteist man. Stop yelling about genocide ok, I said its a great note.
I just can’t. What a soul-less fucking hack.
“intertwined with the evils of this country” fuck right off lol
Slavery genocide, you know all those intertwined shit. What are they gonna do, not get intertwined
passive voice like they didnt cause that shit
From the replies
Forgot to add “forced transwomen to be imprisoned in men’s jail facilities” but go off
They don’t get that a cop would have the power to legally arbitrarily kill, imprison, torture, rob, anyone she wanted at any time for any reason, or they don’t think that’s a bad thing.
cops only do that to the bad guys, duh
So ready for what, rally behind more genocide
Right? Just four years ago we watched cops go on a bloody rampage that left hundreds dead, thousands injuired, thousands more in jail, entire cities poisoned. They’ve killed more people every successive year since then, they’ve been given more money and power, and now it seems like their king may take the throne with legally unlimited power to kill and torture and cage anyone for no reason with no recourse.
the George Washington one is crazy lol. it’s maddening how liberals are free to mount soft defences of slavers and colonisers all they want but if we want to say one good thing about Stalin we have to ritually enumerate and condemn his crimes first.
She has no problems saying that cause the slave owning is still a great note apparently. And of course she despises any communist movement or leader. She once made this terrible video praising marie antoinette and saying the revolution was carried out cause of the people’s jealousy.
Mao or any other person who was heading a movement was an irredeemable authoritarian strongman piece of shit who paved way for the draconian swcc. She makes this point that all these communists just make vague utopian promises and then authoritarianly oppress people cause their dumb utopia couldn’t be achieved.
Hey, if they can’t imagine a form of support that isn’t worship then that’s on them, it’s not our job to fix their servile worldview
Also monarchs are good, revolution is bad cause the poors are jealous also. 💅
🤓 did you just imply the vile c word about thia respected liberal philosopher, how dare you
actually genuinely disappointed in myself for ever giving her money goddamn
Anyone who talks about a president’s “legacy” needs to go straight to the
There’s nothing democratic about it being Harris vs anyone else. Its just easier, less chaotic, and more expedient. There’s nothing democratic about the whole system either, but specifically to pretend like “yes, this is democratic because she was personally selected without oversight by a presidential candidate to balance out their ticket. Denocract in action right there”
Well she is the only person who will stop fascism and save rights.
Democrats might successfully rebrand as the party of the cops.
And I guess the GOP will rebrand as the party of old-timey gangsters, and chuds will have to pretend the Gotti move was good.
New brownshirts. The blueshirts.
She’s such a fuckin shithead
Ummmmm that’s not respectable language ackshually. She is advocating for rights ok!!!
…if it affects her personally.