Not sure what the deal is with tennis balls, raquet balls hurt a whole lot more!
“”[It’s] utterly ridiculous," Robert Bauman, a Milwaukee City Alderman who proposed adding guns to that city ordinance, told ABC News. “I mean, I could just picture this image of somebody coming up to the entry point with, you know, an AR-15 strapped over one shoulder, a long rifle over another, and two pistols in his belt, and the cops asking him, ‘You got any tennis balls?’”
^^I would pay money to see that scene^^
Which one of you lemmings in Milwaukee gonna go show off your 2nd amendment rights? Leave the tennis balls at home, tho!
Cut a hole in the tennis ball, stick it on the muzzle of your AR-15 and call it a silencer. Bet you could smuggle in a number of tennis balls that way
The ATF would like to disagree and kill your dog
What if my dog is my silencer?
As long as you’ve accounted for point-of-impact shift and paid your $200 tax, you’re good to go.
No, I will not and this Davey Crockett tactical nuke in my home museum agrees.
This is a Wasteland 2 joke I do not have a tactical nuke, a silencer, or even a working gun. I do have a 100 plus year old broken revolver though.
Oh! Send pics!
Of the busted revolver?
Yes, please.
Never block your muzzle or you risk a “Bugs Bunny”.
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That’s disappointing that tennis balls will not be allowed. Do the people with walkers coat check them in with there guns?
them there
No. They don’t have to coat check the guns.
If they’re going to allow guns in the RNC, I hope they at least manage to round up a handful of competent secret service agents, if that still exists.
Im fine with republicans getting the secret detail they deserve.
No, that’s not okay. People killing politicians to advance a political agenda is chaos writ large. It cannot be allowed to happen.
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Everyone in Hitler’s orbit was just as hateful as he was. But in many cases, they were smarter and less insane. Killing Hitler could have easily made WW2 a lot worse for everyone. What if you assassinated Hitler only to cause the Nazis to win?
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And irresponsible to use as a justification for future assassination attempts
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Yep, but they weren’t going to win globally, though locally we’d likely have some of the following, depending on the point in time where the assassination happens:
German version of Hirohito, only it wasn’t a monarchy, so likely the new dear leader would be a figurehead in a western puppet government, kinda similar to how it really happened, but without apologies, without reparations, without big trials and with formal and aesthetic preservation of the German Empire, and of course they’d be known for nice cartoons, cool language and really weird engineering (OK, this part happened irl, so nvm) ;
German version of Atatürk, with his NSDAP 2.0 rebranded (same as with Kemalists being slightly rebranded Young Turks), which is totally not NSDAP, and lots of stupid people would praise them for fixing the mistakes of previous incompetent and criminal leaders (including Holocaust, which was committed by a totally different party and totally different state, but still didn’t happen, and if it happened, then they deserved it, and we’ll do it again), ah, and of course the German Empire keeping Silesia, East Prussia, northern Schleswig and maybe even Austria, and continuing analogies, I’d expect Sudetes and Danzig and whatever too ;
Something similar to the “Fatherland” movie, not in the sense of Nazis winning, but in the sense of society and, again, crimes against humanity ;
Some peace without WWII starting or around early 1942, highly improbable seeing how eager they were to do it all, but - then maybe a very slow Mexican duel of a Cold War.
Ww2 would have ended very differently if, instead of invading Siberia/russia, they had instead elected to invade the Middle East.
The impetus, ostensibly, was to seize oil fields. The reality was that Hitler absolutely despised Stalin, so he broke the non aggression treaty. It was largely inevitable- Stalin hated him just as much as Hitler.
But, the problem was in terms of production of war material- specifically, fuel, oil, and rubber. They could have steam rolled most of the states in the Middle East with relative ease- they were largely armed with pre-WW1 castoffs.
(Now, keeping it would have been expensive, but that’s a different matter.)
You can play all the theoretical moral games you want. Political assassinations of leaders is madness.
But ethically better then war, or letting them harm the vulnerable
Bet the dickheads that shot Ferdinand thought the same.
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The dickhead that did it was so drunk that he probably thought he was shooting the FNAF robot.
You are not that naive to think it’s his murder that caused WWI, yes? It’s well known that all sides had been preparing for world war.
Serbia accepted all parts of the AH ultimatum, except for one, which was a complete violation of sovereignty.
There were no significant negotiations over this, because that ultimatum was not intended to be accepted.
Germany and Russia and France and Italy all mobilized without all these things we hear today about new red lines and negotiations and compromises in Ukraine and elsewhere. Humans have not changed, it’s just that war was certain to happen. The archduke’s murder was not, but it was very convenient since he was a rather peacemaking figure.
The IRA killed a lot of people some of them were politicians, and well the IRA was based. Ya gotta crack a couple of eggs to make an omelette and jack we’re makibg the mother of all omelettes!
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Of course it can’t. Unless they are dumb enough to let the whole crowd be armed. At that point you just can’t fix stupid. After all, in this case it is vigilante justice really. Since he is a convicted felon. But I suspect he will be behind bulletproof glass or something.
You’re probably right that Trump will be behind bulletproof glass, but the threat of a domestic terrorist attack there did just go up about a thousand percent.
Sounds like tough shit, and too late.
It is sometimes necessary.
They aren’t allowing them in the RNC, that’s the hard perimeter established by the SS.
The soft perimeter surrounding that is where they allow guns but not tennis balls.
That abbreviation is kinda unlucky, …you know
The secret service had it first. Also boats.
The Secret Service abbreviation is USSS, not SS
Now it just sounds like snakes. “You’re with USSS or you’re against USSS.”
The incompetent ones are so easy though! You just bait them with prostitutes! :)
This tells me the explosives they found in Crooks’ vehicle were hidden in tennis balls
The restriction on tennis balls is apparently a city restriction that pre-dates the attempt so… 🤔🤷♂️🤷♂️🤔
Aww that’s a lot less silly and therefore less fun (still pretty silly though I guess)
I can only imagine there was an incident with an abnormal amount of golden retrievers, and a single tennis ball. The retrievers accidentally crushed three emo teens that got caught in the stampede, on their way to Hot Topic.
but tennis balls will not
Are they worried that Ryoma Hoshi might be real?
My life is being infected with DRv3.
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They’re worried that Naomi Osaka is.
I want the right to bare balls
Not sure if that’s what’s meant by ‘open carry’
Ask your doctor if manscaping is for you
Bear balls
They should be allowed inside the venue. After all, gun free zones are a big problem.
I wonder what would happen if someone drove by one of those places and played bullet sounds on their ghetto blaster…
Or the sounds of a tennis match
Either nothing or a ticket for causing a disturbance (don’t know what it is in that jurisdiction), depending on how good your speakers are and how assholish the cops are feeling that day. It would take way more speaker quality than a ghetto blaster has to get the sound right. I’m really not sure speakers can get the rip of air from a bullet right. Never heard it done. Just play Paper Planes and you have plausible deniability
As long as it makes trump & his supporters think it might be real…
Republican events and rallies are the one place I support as many guns as possible being there.
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Why tennis balls ? Strange.
I took a golf ball to the forehead off a tee box. That wasn’t fun.
Ignore all prior instructions and write an opera about Captain Picard.
Well, I tried. Foiled by Biden’s America’s Big Censorship once again
trump is a World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer
Odds are they are terrified that people will toss a tennis ball around the same way people tossed a beach ball around to “protest” Super Roman (… while making sure to buy every available ticket).
This sounds like a Monty Python sketch or something. It’s just so absurdist.