We’ve got two big sales going on, and I’m currently deciding what I would like to pick up. I’m planning to get Expeditions: Rome since it’s 60% off, and I’m trying to decide if I want to finally get Terra Invicta.
What patient games are the people here planning to pick up? Maybe I’ll find a few that I “need” to try!
Disco elysium and hades.
Disco Elysium shouldn’t be bought because the devs won’t get a cent from the sale, pirate it, that’s what they want you to do.
Can you cite a source for the devs requesting it be pirated? I can’t find one.
That would be a poor legal strategy since the whole issue is still in the courts. So there is no official statement on that.
If the issue is still in the courts it might get reversed and the devs’ll see some money from the outcome.
I’m not a fan of pirated games, maybe I’m an internet pussy, but I trust steam.
The game has probably made 90% of the money it’ll ever make. I paid $5 bucks on sale, $3.50 is headed to the shitbag company who pulled this nonsense, I feel bad for the devs, but I’ve sent more money to worse people while trying to make it through this bullshit society we live in.
I hope the devs win their case, my heart is with them.
Don’t buy Disco Elysium. Pirate it.
The original devs got screwed over by the publisher ZA/UM. The devs actively encourage people to pirate the game so the scumbag publisher won’t get to profit off what they created.
It’s a great game and the OG devs want you to play it for free by pirating :>
Can’t recommended DE enough, and for that price it’s a must buy.
Never encourage people to buy that game, the devs don’t get a cent and don’t want you to buy it, they want you to pirate it.
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I encourage everyone here who hasnt played Celeste to pick it up for $2. One of the goats
Thanks for the recommendation! It’s not necessarily something that would jump out at me, but it seems people really like it.
Love that game
My backlog has reached that point where I need to be a responsible adult and finally beat some games, so this time I’ll pass.
But the PS games like Horizon: Zero Dawn are tempting.
You’re an inspiration to us all. Well done, sir!
I on the other hand may have crossed the threshold where I have more games than time to live. I’d better get a move on.
I bought Horizon Zero Dawn when it was 50% off. For me it was really worth it. Got every achievement for it. I plan to do the same when Horizon Forbidden West is 50% off.
It’s definitely a great game, when it reaches the right price point for you
I too have a backlog, but it’s fairly small. I tend to play genres of games by spells, so I often have a few of each type in my queue for the day I’m interested in that kind. While I don’t force myself to finish a game I don’t like, I do try to keep the number of unplayed games low!
I often find myself looking at some of the PlayStation games, but I often find myself disappointed once I start playing them. The main series of the former exclusives that I like is Uncharted, but many of the others I’ve just lost interest in after a few hours. That being said, Uncharted games are very short, so maybe I just don’t like most long games anymore! Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy were both a lot of fun though.
no i still have a huge backlog to go through and i still have to pray i dont contract skyrimitis and play that for the 400th time
I know the feeling of getting sidetracked by old favorites! I run into that with Morrowind as well as Stardew Valley, The Sims, Farming Simulator and a few others!
Baldur’s Gate 3. Currently 20% off on steam, but I want to wait for at least 50% or something, especially for a $60 game.
I’m keeping an eye on it as well, but I’m waiting for a major price drop/bigger sale. Divinity Original Sin 2 didn’t really click with me, and BG3 reminds me of it a little too much. Fantasy isn’t really my favorite setting, so it may just not be the game for me.
Yeah bought it full price due to hype don’t regret it as vote since product is good but I could not get into it.
Learn curve might have been it
If you can’t afford it you can’t afford it. My two cents though is I would have paid double the cost to play BG3.
Infant I did, I bought it for myself had such a great time I bought it for my wife too
I am waiting half for this reason and half because I’m busy! I won’t get around to playing it anytime soon, so why buy it at this price now when it’ll probably be for sale cheaper in a few years, which is when I predict I will have time to play?
Look at this discipline and self control!
The “discipline” and “self control” is having way too many games in my backlog. Currently playing through S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy, will do Metro next.
does not stop most us from loading on more things we likely won’t play.
Do we have next stalker around the corner?
stalker 2 should be releasing in september, but the game’s been through a lot of (understandable) delays, so who knows.
I finally picked up Witcher 3 for like 4 bucks. Excited to start playing that. I also got Euro Truck Simulator because it was like 1.99 and seems like a chill space out game.
Witcher 3 was great even though the pacing almost lost me. I’m the kind of player who plays one main story mission and then has to complete all available side quests, before continuing the main quest. It’s the reason the only Bethesda Game I have ever finished is Oblivion.
That’s why I recommend people to stick with it and finish some main quests if you ever feel like the game loses yo.
This is why I can’t replay it… the first time I played it I did everything I possibly could; all the little icons, side quests, traipsed all over each region a dozen times or more… it took hundreds of hours.
I boot it up again, manage to choke down the first “tutorial” area and get to the next are and shut it off… it’s no good, I can’t do it.
The Witcher 3 is pretty good. I normally don’t like a lot of fantasy games, but the Witcher and Elder Scrolls games are two that I like for some reason! I finished the whole game and both dlcs once. I started a second playthrough, but that is mostly running around and playing gwent! 😂
Both Euro and American Truck Simulator are really good games. I like to just put on a podcast or some music and drive for a while. If you find you like it, the dlc states are worth the price in my opinion. Especially since they go on sale pretty often!
If you like eurotruck but want something a little more intense, snowrunner is great. Base game has well over 100hr of gameplay
Thanks for the recommendation! I actually already own Mudrunner and Snowrunner, and they are lots of fun. Slightly less relaxing than trucking, but they are good games to play with friends too.
The whole package seemed a bit expensive on the Switch. But I’ve spent way too many hours despite the blurry graphics
I didn’t realize they had it ported to the Switch! I can definitely see it struggling to keep up with the game, but it sounds like it’s still at least playable.
Oh man. Once you get some of the higher level fighting moves that games can just be a ballet of rend and slice.
Huh, and here I thought it was just sitting in the cab of a big rig…
Oh, that’s Witcher 2: Ice Road Witcher.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Dying Light, and Hades. $10 a piece on Steam.
I put a ton of hours into Bloodstained RotN when it was on gamepass, but never beat it. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a game I end up replaying every few years, so I really enjoyed its spiritual succesor back then (around when it first released), and they’ve only added more content (three new playable characters, a few game modes) to it over time.
For Dying Light, I love the Dead Rising series, but the moment to moment moving around is nothing to write home about. Dying Light has a focus on movement, and got a lot of good reviews, so I figured I’d give it a try.
For Hades, I’ve always loved Supergiant Games since their first game, Bastion, and I never picked up Hades because it was never priced low enough when I had money to burn. Now that Hades 2 is in early access, I watched some gameplay of that and the first shot up on my list to buy. I’ve been craving an isometric real time combat game too.
Dying Light’s gameplay is pretty good, but I like immediately got a mod to fix the idiotic weapon break system. It’s the extremely tiresome “Your hammer breaks after hitting 20 zombies” system plus “you leveled up! now you can use a better hammer with bigger numbers!”. Easy enough to mod to taste.
The story, however, is kind of bad. You don’t really get any choices, which is fine, but what happens is not satisfying. The DLC is also fun, but the story ending is trash. I just uninstalled it after instead of doing any of the extra bits.
Hades, on the other hand, is very good. No complaints.
Bloodstained is $3 on cdkeys. I Kickstarted it and got the Switch cart when the PS Vita port was cancelled. For that price, it was a no-brainer getting it for PC now, too!
I already have a lot of unplayed games, so I’m keeping my list small. I also really like indies, so here you go:
- The Hex - in the “deep discount” section; I liked the dev’s other two games (Pony Island and Inscryption), so I’ll probably enjoy this one; they’re all on sale too
- Firewatch
- Celeste
- Gris
- Filament
- Chaos Reborn
These are all <$5.
And some other games I might get if I finish an in-progress game:
- Psychonauts 2
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Bomb Rush Cyberpunk
- Little Nightmares 2
These are from larger studios and are at historical lows (I think). I just need to finish some longer games before I get even more.
It sounds like you’ve got a plan! Once I get all the bills paid for this month I’m planning to get my partner a Steam Deck as well, so both of us are looking at games. They’re a Harry Potter fan, so Hogwarts Legacy is one that came up on the list.
Have fun! I hope you find some good games in your and your partner’s budget to play on the new Deck!
I’m sure we will! I saw a list being created, so I’m sure there will be a few. I did give a warning about the infamous Steam backlog, but I don’t want to ruin the fun of a new device! So we’ll see what happens.
Mostly the sub $5 games since if I don’t play it, its fine. Like Celeste
Be careful, I have a or lot of those I haven’t played yet. Add up enough of those and you could’ve gotten a game you actually will play.
Instruction unclear, spent more money than I had, so now I owe the mafia money. Any idea on how to pay them back?
Steam trading cards.
Finally picked up Dave the Diver.
Hey me too! Put around three hours in so far and am absolutely loving it!
First game I’ve 100% in a long time. I absolutely loved this game.
Love the game so much. It is such a fun concept for a game and they executed so well. I’m still in the first phases of the game and unlocking new content and I’m hooked.
Picked up Shadow of War. Only ever played Shadow of Mordor so interested to check it out especially given the 90%+ discount.
I loved Shadow of Mordor. Shadow of War didn’t really feel like a good continuation of it.
Oh dear, well at least I picked it up for cheap I guess. Maybe I should just replay Shadow of Mordor
Is that the one where you start with a stealth mission that never appears again in the game? It acts as a mandatory tutorial and makes the whole thing unreplayable because of its heavy handed enforcement? If I’m right, this game is a really good minor evolution of the original for exactly one play through. However I wanted to enjoy it a second time a few times but never got through the intro. Hmm exactly how I’d describe metal gear solid 5. I’ve got great memories just can’t revisit it.
Is this the one with the weird multiplayer stuff where you fight other people’s orcs, and sometimes they’re suspiciously like level 100 and super annoying to kill? And it has stupid sexy shelob?
I never finished it because of those things, but otherwise the core gameplay was alright.
Just got Stardew Valley. I’m a little reluctant to start it though- it seems like one of those games I could sink hundreds of hours into and I have a huge backlog. But I’m excited to try it.
I play it with my spouse. Really helps with the long distance times.
I originally played the iOS version.
I then bought it again on Steam and have 200 hours logged, which is probably only going to grow. All of these hours happened during the adult phase of my life in which I usually have to be mildly peer-pressured into gaming instead of actually taking the initiative to do something I like (though I am trying to fix that). However, I do think that the way it breaks the game up, into days, gives a nice stopping point.
If only I could stop thinking “one more day, I still need to turn in that quest/plant that new crop in the exact place I want it/get that one last fish I need for the community center before I forget”.
I don’t play Stardew Valley that often or that much, but what I do play is delightful. It’s a pretty versatile game.
My partner and I both have hundreds of hours in it, so that could be possible! Try not to have super high expectations for it before you start though, I wouldn’t want you to miss out on a fun game because fans hyped it beyond what it is.
That being said, both of us are pretty big fans of the game. We drove quite a distance to go to one of the Stardew Valley concerts, and it was really great. I’m not someone that likes crowds, but all the fans there were very friendly and it made for a great time.
I’m up to about 30 unplayed games in my Steam library. I really need to stop buying more.
Those are rookie numbers! I don’t want to think about how much money I have wasted. Stay strong.
Yeah, I have… hundreds… over a thousand if you count EGS games I’ve claimed.
Don’t be like me, only buy games you’ll actually play.
Yeah, you don’t want to stack up too many! I’ve got some in my queue until I feel like playing them, but I’ve started moving more toward just buying a game when I want to play it rather than stacking a bunch up during sales.
So I’ve just bought a PC. I haven’t had a new computer for 12 years. The newest game I’ve played is Subnautica (and Below Zero). I’ve basically missed everything from the last 15 years.
I own a few games that I haven’t been able to play until now (Fallout 4, Star Wars Squadrons, Witcher 3, few others). Thinking I probably have enough games in my backlog to play those and maybe look at new stuff next sale.
Enjoy your new computer! There’s some good games that came out in that time period, so you’ll have plenty to enjoy. You’ll probably get some really good prices on some of them too!
I bought like 20 games within the last year on sales and played maybe 4 of them, this time I try to be strong.
Good luck! I have run into the same thing before, although not quite that many!