I’m hosting a project zomboid server with a few friends and would love if more people played. We use a bunch of mods so I recommend modchecker to see what mods to download.
Port: 17100
Is this still around? I fucking love zomboid. Anyone still playing?
idk but there are some folks on a discord channel I am in that has a lot of hexfolks in it that has a server if you wanna join it.
Idk if I have time to actively participate in a server but I’d happily take an invite to play on it when I can
No, i lost my job and stopped hosting the server. Im planning on getting it up and running again when the next big update comes out.
Is it out?!?
fuck if i know.
despite the archaic graphics, this game did a really good job of scaring the absolute piss out of me when I played it
The noises always make me jump 😭
It’s a lot of fun! I think the graphics are kinda cute.
Pretty sure it was supposed to be a Sims 1 mod that got way out of hand.
It was originally a zombie drama story with much worse graphics but the same kind of faux-3D universe, and then the devs decided to make the most detailed zombie apocalypse emulator to ever exist
Is this still up??
No sorry!
Any chances of it coming back whenever a new update comes out?
Thats kind of what I was thinking. I took it down because I was paying for the hosting and I lost my job so I don’t have the excess funds for hosting right now. But I’m hoping that I’ll have a job again when the new update is out and we can start big and fresh.
Neat. I’m in.
No idea if I have the right mods or not, does it not do that automatically? I’ve seen other servers that do.
is the server still running?
No sorry, i became unemployed and had to stop it. I was planning on rebooting it once the next patch came out.
it’s ok, i was just checking on pins and sidebar stuff! i’ll keep it pinned, just let me know if you decide it’s not worth the trouble
I played this game a little like 10 years ago. Do zombies still magically find you even though you are standing perfectly still in a house with all the windows blinded and no noise being made? I got overwhelmed because the game wouldn’t give me any time to get my bearings or catch my breath and it made figuring out the mechanics and stuff really difficult for me.
They must have updated the zombie mechanics. The game itself can still be a bit overwhelming but the zombies are a bit more forgiving. They usually don’t come after you now unless you’ve seen them or could’ve seen them.
The game is so much better than it used to be, like absurdly better. You can even adjust zombie settings like hearing, strength, toughness, speed, population, and sight
I am mega noob but I like this game so I’ll meet ya’ll there.
Ooh, it’s been ages since I played PZ - ever since a MP game I had with a couple of comrades died off because of IRL stuff. That, and the NPC update taking its sweet time
Oh nice, i’m in. Is there a spot where people can try to get to, or a specific radio frequency to talk?
Ok I don’t know if that’s a new kind of event but I heard someone scream and get eaten lmao, I think most players spawn in the same residential area of that central town. I’ve got a decent spot, a pickup nearby I got the key to and I just need to get some gas.
Logged off for now, Got an ok start at the north-east corner of the residential area with high wooden walls. I’ve got the key to a pickup nearby and need to find gas. There’s a lot of zombos around and I don’t really have a good weapon, but I got curtains on everything so it’s relatively safe for now, need to start getting wood and nails to board up a few things.
I think everyone starts in the same little town. It’d be cool to make a big safe house or safe town or something. I was planning on going to Louisville.
Road-trip, road-trip!
Going to louisville is a fun quest, it’s a long way from muldraugh! I know muldraugh pretty well, got a character that lived for a bunch of months and never went too far from that part of the map.
I went to louisville a few times but never settled there, it’s much more tense. If you’re not careful/experienced you get swarmed very quickly, and once you start being chased there are so many zombos everywhere you’re not likely to find a safe spot before being exhausted. You need strats, often a way of making a noise distraction, etc. Or a good team that knows how to fight, or a shit-ton of ammo but even then the sheer amount of zombies in a place like louisville makes it hard to ever really “clear”.
Zombies respawn over time in any cell that hasn’t been visited by a player in a little while, depending on your sandbox settings that can be a few in-game hours, days, weeks, etc. It’s hard to ever be entirely safe, even very well built safe-houses or areas will have zombies appearing in them if they don’t have players in them for too long. The game’s better than it used to at this process and you have less instances of zombies weirdly spawning inside places where they should not have been able to get in, but afaik it still happens.
Anyway, going to louisville is a pretty fun adventure and it can be quite difficult. Even with good gear and a good car, you get stuck in the road in places with a lot of car jams, or at the military/quarantine checkpoint around louisville.