Everything related to this man fails to adhere to the laws of physics / reality.

  • @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
    4313 days ago

    The CEO [Devin Nunes] asked the Nasdaq to "fulsomely cooperate with any and all congressional or other investigations into these firms

    Fulsomely? Really? He wants them to cooperate in a way that expresses a lot of admiration or praise for someone, often too much, in a way that does not sound sincere?

    Some people simply cannot open their mouths without actually proving how stupid they really are. It’s remarkable how often such people are drawn to Trump’s orbit too.

  • @dhork@lemmy.world
    1913 days ago

    “The only naked short-selling we endorse is when our principal owner sexually assaults women with his little toadstool”

  • aramis87
    913 days ago

    alerting the exchange to “potential market manipulation” in TMTG’s stock, asking the exchange to help prevent alleged manipulation.

    Me: weird, I wouldn’t have thought they’d want an investigation into the Russians and Saudis and the Chinese propping up the stock in order to bribe Trump.

    any investigations into the alleged market manipulation in its shares by so-called “naked” short sellers.

    Me: hahahahaha! Well, at least that explains why they’re upset :)

    “anomalies” around trading of TMTG shares “appear to be growing even more severe,”
