• @can@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    It’s getting hard not to picture them as cartoonish monsters at this point.

    Edit: just in case I want to emphasize I’m referring to the Israeli government, not its citizens or Jewish people in general

    • @anachronist@midwest.social
      3 months ago

      At first it felt like the IDF was speedrunning the war on terror. They had their Abu-graibs on pretty much the first day. Now it’s clear that this always was a campaign of hate from the very beginning. Their purpose in Gaza is to terrorize the civilian population.

      Nobody was surprised when the Russians immediately started torturing and murdering civilians in Ukraine. But we are shocked that the IDF behave exactly the same way because – quite frankly – we were lied to about the nature of the Israeli state.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        223 months ago

        Most people who were keeping up with the conflict knew this would happen. Glad to see more people waking up, but the current state of Gaza isn’t in any way surprising.

        Their purpose in Gaza is to terrorize the civilian population.

        Make that remove/kill/starve.

      • @zaph@sh.itjust.works
        93 months ago

        But we are shocked that the IDF behave exactly the same way because

        One of my earliest memories is watching Israel bomb Gaza in the 90’s. We shouldn’t be that shocked.

  • @Luci@lemmy.ca
    313 months ago

    More evidence to support the facts that IDF is indiscriminately attacking civilians and aid workers in Gaza.

    Our governments (and partners) response makes me feel like an accomplice to murder.

    But don’t get me wrong, fuck Hamas. But the ends no longer justify the means or however it goes.

      • @girlfreddy@lemmy.ca
        323 months ago

        Yup. In one fell swoop Bibi and the IDF shut down every major food/aid program in Gaza, effectively guaranteeing Gazan starvation. And all for the price of 7 non-Israeli lives.

        It was planned.

        • @anachronist@midwest.social
          63 months ago

          I think just like with USS Liberty the “screwup” was leaving survivors. I think their intent was to kill everyone then blame Hamas, not letting any journos get too close to the burnt out vehicles.

        • Avid Amoeba
          3 months ago

          Which is crazy because I can’t see how creating a famine is gonna play well for anyone in Israel. I think using starvation as a weapon is by far the most powerful driver behind the world sentiment moving away from supporting Israel in this conflict. It’s an argument that can’t be waved away as “we made a mistake.”

          • @anachronist@midwest.social
            63 months ago

            I think they’re trying to kill a large fraction and force the rest across the border to Egypt, so they can take Gaza for themselves. They feel a lot of time pressure so they’re doing whatever they can do to get the situation on the ground as bad as possible as quickly as possible. They want to go in and shoot up Rafah but they’re under too much pressure to slow-walk that. So cutting off all aid and letting famine “do the job” for them makes sense from their twisted worldview.

            • Avid Amoeba
              33 months ago

              Alright, but do you see this playing out positively for them longer term? Unless we assume there would be no consequences for Israel. Also I think there are probably going to be bad consequences internally assuming a non-insignificant part of the Israelis come to terms with the atrocity committed in their name. I think that would create a struggle between the fascists and the rest that can go either way. A further descent into fascist militant Zionism along with repression of people and democracy. Or a rejection of the elements and culture that lead to this atrocity.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                3 months ago

                Alright, but do you see this playing out positively for them longer term?

                Israel hasn’t been thinking of the longer term at least ever since Palestinians got internet access. That was the beginning of the end for their control over Western public opinion, (edit) and you’d have expected them to learn but nope.

                Also I think there are probably going to be bad consequences internally assuming a non-insignificant part of the Israelis come to terms with the atrocity committed in their name.

                Don’t expect too much. To most Jewish Israelis (which are, let’s face it, the only ones that matter) Palestinians are subhuman barbarians whose only purpose in life is to be killed for Lebensraum. And their share of the total population is going up, not down. So yeah, don’t expect any soul searching in that department.

    • @psvrh@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Once Israel saw that the US wouldn’t raise a stink after the Liberty was nearly sunk, they realized that they pretty much have carte blanche to do what they want in the region.

  • Rentlar
    3 months ago

    If this weren’t a deliberate incident, they would have investigated, identified why and rectified what caused them to deliberately strike news journalists and reporters, kill their own hostages waving white flags ffs, or kill doctors for Medecins Sans Frontieres, before this type of thing happened.

    Even with the most generous interpretations that it was a tragic mistake, the disorganization, strategy and complacency that would create the conditions for these “mistakes” to happen is squarely due to the IDF’s wilful negligence.

    It’s happened too many times for it to be an accident at this point.

    • enkers
      3 months ago

      Make no mistake, AI is just a scapegoat here. The policy the AI runs is selected intentionally by the Israeli regime, and this is part of its intended effect.

        • @LostWon@lemmy.ca
          3 months ago

          That’s how they did the non-targeted (carpet) bombings. These were three guided, precision strikes on a group that pre-cleared their travel arrangements on a specific route at a specific time with the IDF in advance, even targeting vehicles with WCK logos specifically marked on top. The outcome is exactly what they wanted: no food aid to Gaza at all.

          Now they just have to pretend to have a study and bury the topic for a year or whatever like they do with every other atrocity when speaking internationally, which the media will take at face value even though officials and IDF members have been well-documented, calling for Palestinian people to be wiped out, their restrictions on aid have always been horrific and absurd, and settlers were blockading aid trucks with “raves” to prevent aid getting in.

          Western nations will sanction any other country for a fraction of what Israel has done, but instead it seems our leaders are content to let this play out and gradually push more and more for the replacement of the prime minister with someone just as bad or worse when it’s all over, for an optics upgrade (since the Netanyahu “brand” is burnt now).