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Lead poisoning is real
It has to be right?! A large portion of that generation lacks fundamental critical thinking and empathy for others.
Alcohol is a helluva drug
That was really a Golden/Silent generation thing more than anything. Those people were full on lushes. Even though Boomers drink more than younger generations, it was their parents and grandparents who were raging alcoholics.
Giuliani, specifically, is a raging alcoholic, though.
Or so I’ve heard
gotcha. that doesn’t surprise me
Stupidity and gullibility are a nightmare combo.
They aren’t drunk, they are brain dead
Giuliani can be both
Like the asshole on Fox saying that fraud isn’t a crime because everyone in real estate does it
“traditional” rule of law
Wherein white men aren’t held to account and you can buy your own justice with enough money.
Wherein women who are victims are told to shut up lest their own reputations are ruined for accusing any white men.
Yeah. That’s what we should strive for. /hard S
Rudy wanted to be known as a “law and order” mayor who was going to clean up New York by strictly enforcing every law. He went after beggars and homeless folks as if they were Mafia dons. He had zero problems with humiliating hard working city workers when he could make himself look good. Now he’s bankrupt because he thought he could libel election workers.
He could have rested on his unearned laurels as a 9/11 hero, but his ego forced him to suck up to Donald Trump.
Enjoy the consequences of your own actions.
Note that everyone Rudy enforced the law on was middle class and lower, not the wealthy.
There have been hundreds of people who died of ‘9/11 Disease.’ People worked at the Ground Zero pit for months without respirators because the Bush EPA claimed the air was safe. Rudy did nothing for those folks, and as far as I know, didn’t attend a single funeral.
There have been hundreds of people who died of ‘9/11 Disease.’ People worked at the Ground Zero pit for months without respirators because the Bush EPA claimed the air was safe. Rudy did nothing for those folks, and as far as I know, didn’t attend a single funeral.
If he had actually enforced the law while he was mayor of NY, Trump would have gone down long ago
Was he law and order when he lost his first mayoral election and took the police down to occupy city hall because they were all sad that a black man became elected? It truly is amazing how people like him can pick and choose what they want to hold dear.
Have you tried not being a traitorous, law-breaking asshole Rudy? Cause that seems to work fine for me. 🤷
Let’s be fair here, it works okay.
I’m certainly not rich for it but at least I have my dignity and my wife loves me (I hope)
I’d love to see a waterbear playing a violin between it’s little fingers.
Does it bug anyone else that this is a cello?
Not picking on you at all. I’ve seen this meme a few times on Lemmy. I mean I still think it’s funny.
I guess I didn’t look that close. It definitely does look like a cello on closer inspection. Also, I’ve now noticed the WB is playing the bow below the bridge, and which would make some terrible music (aka noise).
Well I didn’t even notice that one. Thanks, now it bugs me even more 😉
God damn I didn’t see that cello for like 10 seconds.
Crazy, it’s almost as if the people who they fucked over are taking legal action against them.
Mind blown, how did this happen!?
My my, if it isn’t a tiny microscopic fraction of the consequences of his own actions
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… Good.
Awwwww is the widdle insurrectionist upset? Yes he is!
I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it for one second. The rich have numerous ways to hide money.
What if, and hear me out, he’s got plenty of money stashed away around the world, he just doesn’t want to spend it. Instead, he wants to file bankruptcy to make it go away, or someone else to bail him out with their money so he doesn’t have to spend his. It’s not like he doesn’t have a well proven track record of being a liar and a fraud.
first thing i would do if i became mega rich.
i’d bury gold bars in secret locations all over the world.
just as an insurance policy
Yeah the guy who cleared out the Italian mob for the Russian mob to move in (think that happened under him) would have money hidden properly…If not he’s as clueless as someone caught on camera thinking he’ll commit statutory rape for fun. Even if he’s not that clueless he may have thought himself untouchable. Trump only keeps idiots around as long as he was.
Thanks for making nightmare world, guiliani. We are all as thrilled as you are.
The rest of us are also trapped in a nightmare world that Rudy helped create. Thanks Rudy!
Good. Fuck this paedophile fascist and all his fascist buddies.
I wish hell was real so he could rot in it, but I’ll settle for the rest of his life being ruined, his fortunes forfeit, and hopefully some jail time.
I also urge any of the young women he’s abused to come forward. I know that’s very hard, believe me, but this bastard needs to be held to account in every way possible. You will have support.
Have a heart attack and die then you shriveled turd.
The sooner you stroke out, the sooner it will all be over, traitor.
Have another $40 glass of Mar-a-Lago watered down booze, Rudy.