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r/GenZ don’t understand why people hate genocide joe
Reeks of an incompetent 38-year-old Dem staffer
There’s a lot of them on the genz subreddit.
the average age of any subreddit called teenagers or genz is probably 47
“Why don’t my fellow youths want to get out the vote for Biden? He’s got rizz”
“Historically low unemployment despite pandemic.”
Quick someone tell me what happens when you remove millions of people from a system through death and disability, are there more people looking for jobs or less, someone help me I don’t know how numbers work.
- deliberately watered down
- racist and solely to protect hegemony
- literally supporting Nazis
- business owners got ppp loans forgiven, child tax credit ended, he still owes me $2000
- refusing to codify Roe when he had the chance
- token drop in the bucket and extremely limited in scope
- worker discipline program
- and yet the gains of the last several years have gone straight to the top
- token in a way that becomes racist itself
He only owes you $2000? He owes me $12000! Don’t forget the student loan forgiveness plan that got scrapped.
Almost none of this affects the average person.
The Chips act is literally just the government attempting to give a middle finger to China and failing.
Literally sending billions of dollars to a lost cause from the start instead of spending it domestically on the people he actually is the fucking leader of.
He under delivered with COVID relief giving significantly less than his campaign promise and cut relief programs waaaay before they should’ve.
The lowered drug costs are literally only for people on Medicaid unless there’s something I’m not aware of.
Inflation stemmed by twisting a dagger into the common person.
Historically low unemployment because of the pandemic. When you remove that many people from the working population through a disease that kills so many, well, of fucking course you’re going to have low unemployment.
I don’t know who this person is. I’m not sure if I should care cause it’s a judge appointment I assume.
Gods I hate this man so much. Gods I fucking hate this country and its government.
Historically low unemployment because of the pandemic. When you remove that many people from the working population through a disease that kills so many, well, of fucking course you’re going to have low unemployment.
Also the pandemic spurred a mass retirement of older workers that decided they could make do with what they have in their savings instead of exposing themselves to a potentially deadly disease like that.
Biden literally dismantled the entire COVID infrastructure and just left millions of people to die and starve. He was exponentially worse than Trump on COVID.
Wait covid relief did he do again?
And how’d he protect women’s reproduction rights?
CW suicide
It’s still legal to kill yourself if you get pregnant.
Um, source?
Pretty sure that is illegal. You typically just don’t face… Legal consequences
That’s what I meant, yeah, we aren’t jailing all pregnant women and forcing them to stay alive for 9 months… yet.
deleted by creator
-Mostly corporate handouts and riders
-What companies has this even stimulated?
-Cool, guns for skinheads
-Biden literally told jurisdictions to use COVID funds to hire cops in response to a .1% increase in crime
-He has done literally nothing besides making sure military members can get abortions iirc (thanks MIC Joe!)
-Not lowering them nearly as much as he could
-Inflation reduction is limiting the GROWTH of it, not reversing it dipshits, and it got reversed thru austerity
-Historically insane growth of top 1% wealth
-Yay black woman on supreme court I’m sure she’s been significant in carrying Biden’s judicial agenda
-Biden literally told jurisdictions to use COVID funds to hire cops in response to a .1% increase in crime
Yup, he did that almost immediately on taking office
Yes, in 2022 he encouraged states to burn COVID aid on cop hirings
Also in 2022: violent crime went down, and it had also gone down the previous year
Didn’t stop every fucking media site from screaming about property crime and other bullshit going up (which it did), you’ll notice in both of the above articles
More comments than upvotes lol
We love a good ratio, don’t we folks?
I’m sure this represents genz and definitely isn’t a circlejerk that hit /r/all and got catapulted by disgusting millenials
Funny how this is how they choose to depict a person who still plans to vote for Biden
you will eat your slop and you will like it
Of course it’s r/GenZ, the sub filled with creepy 45-year-olds
protecting reporductive rights depsite Roe vs Wade repaeal
lmao what an absolute parody
The only good genz subreddit was purged, the remnants of genz are the pure scum. Kinda like how they say that the last good french people were killed after the paris commune.
Infrastructure bill: not nearly enough to make an impact, even if something is better than nothing.
Chips act: literally a joke
Ukraine: yeah how’s that worked out?
Covid relief: uh… what? I had more when trump was president
Abortion rights: words and not action
Lowering drug costs: little to no differences
Inflation reduction: by trying to increase unemployment and otherwise kneecap labor power
Historically low unemployment: only when you fudge the numbers, and meaningless in the light of housing costs and the overall massively increased cost of living for the lower class
Is the confirmation a Supreme Court? I’ve not been paying attention. Anything other than playing hardball and stacking the court is worthless. Also I don’t attribute this to him (and much of what they want to attribute to Biden is not really a direct result of his use of presidential power)
This is proof that I was born in the wrong generation