That’s one aspect in which The Orville was certainly more realistic than Star Trek. Their security officer was using their holodeck to fulfill his smutty gay sex fantasies.
Haven’t seen Lower Decks yet, I’m guessing?
The pilot episode has Mariner load an all nude male Olympic gymnastic facility lol
She’s also punished, at one point, by having to clean the holodeck “bio filters.”
🎶 Boogers and Cum! 🎶
Also VOY has Tuvok using the holodeck for ponfarr.
True but at least there was a medical reasoning behind that one and not just “abs… yummy…”
Too true.
Also in DS9 IIRC it’s implied Quark’s holosuites are full of smut
The smuttiest of smut:
Not Tuvok, a Vulcan officer from Engineering. And it didn’t exactly solve his problem.
100% Tuvok. He complains to Tom Paris about his hologram wife T’Pel’s ears being too short.
You can see her referenced here.
Huh. I might have skipped that episode.
“and holodeck waste removal”
“Urgh is it really mostly #$&!?”
“Oh yeah, it’s all #$&!..”
This is a recurring theme in DS9. Quark is always offering new programs like “pleasure mazes” with a “surprise” at the center. Nog even has his own program with a “pleasure goddess”.
Red Dwarf, too 😉
Dude. Rap doesn’t exist in the 24th century. Only classical music.
And jazz:
How could I not remember?!
And hard rock or metal thanks to Mariner and Tendi
Klingon Acid Punk also exists…
I would make celebrity deathmatches in claymation.
Kahless vs Plato should be interesting.
Or Shran vs Napoleon
Her Most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo’noS, Regina Andor, Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius vs Elizabeth II by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Queen, Defender of the Faith
You know, all the good matches you can think of.
Georgiou vs Liz 2?
Oh my god.
I never knew I needed anything more.
I’d recreate Napoleon and the Battle of rabbits just for fun
Anyone else remember the YouTube series - “Epic Rap Battles From History?” - We need an AI to do the Star Trek version.
They shall never be forgotten. The Hitler vs. Vader battles are great, as is Hawkings vs. Einstein. The latter delivered one of the sickest rap battle lines of all time:
There are ten million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million particles in the universe that we can observe.
Your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd!
Jefferson vs. Douglass was good enough that I started it over and watched it again. Same with Ivan the Terrible vs. Alexander the Great.
They’re still around. They did a really good Karl Marx vs Henry Ford rap a couple of months ago.
deleted by creator
Why would any sane person who served on an enterprise want more excitement in their lives?
I’d choose simple shit too missy the time. That and porn. They got to have some interesting rules on that.
Surely the holodeck can clean up without a trace? Or for “rules”, are you thinking more about the kinds of programs that are ok?
Why wouldn’t just about anything be ok? Using real character of someone on ship would be some sort of violation, but after that, even knowing someone’s holodeck preferences could easily be a breach of privacy
Hate to go there but I can’t think of other examples. Cartoon sexual images of children are illegal in many countries. So you can imagine there might be limits despite it not being real.
Privacy doesn’t excist on a starfleet ship. They’ll search your private log and the doc will tell them anything about your medical history if your 5 minutes late to the pickup after the latest mission
You could pull off a shitty version of now it using the various LLM AIs and Sora.
The final frontier.
Doing a random battle turns the characters into your puppets. I suppose there’s novelty but that’s boring.
Playing cards facilitates conversation, where the character’s supposed personality shines through, and strategy, where you can see how such a character might play. Much more interesting.
Star Trek characters, as you move to the later series are much more cerebral, fascinated by mental gymnastics more than physical
This is the true purpose of AI.
Sounds like a plot for lower decks, but boiimler pisses off Surak and Kahless walks out of holodeck like EMH does.
The Doc tried to do more on Voyager, and accidentally turned himself into a psychopath lol
He was messing with his own core programming though, adding subroutines from holodeck characters to his own, rather than really doing cool things with the holodeck itself.
The holonovel episode of voyager would be a better example, imho, of using the holodeck for something interesting. It wasn’t even really intentional, but then it was implied that became a big intentional thing after.
I love that they had multiple members of the crew get into making holonovels, and they had different styles and tastes. One thing I wish Star Trek did more was look at what art would be like in the Federation. We only ever see Vulcan stuff really. I imagine it’s hard to do art plotlines on a science show though