That’s disgusting. Why aren’t there any ads on the cliff walls?
I’ll never understand why we don’t advertise using the surface of the moon.
Most types of radiation including light exhibit the inverse square law so thankfully it’s too unfeasible at the moment.
Reminds me of “Z comme Zorglub”, by André Franquin, 1961:
This is suggested in a couple different classic science fiction stories: (“Watch this Space”)
Don’t forget this one:
Because the moon doesn’t exist, obvs. (/s)
The moon? How come our phones don’t have a sponsorship image when they turn on?
Let’s pave paradise and put up a Walmart parking lot!
Oh man, just imagine: everyone living in those skyscrapers could work at that Walmart!
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No one is promising those skyscrapers are in anyway nice to live in.
Company Canyon goes $$$$
OMG do you mean a 15 minute city!?!? How dare they focus us to live in such a place. They are bound to make us stop rolling coal with our trucks while they are at it! Freedum!
Being the U.S, there’s basically zero chance that it would be high-rises. Instead, there would be McMansions. Also a lot more parking lots
The McMansions are on the cliffs above. The high-rises are for the workers.
McMansions are for workers. That’s how they got their name. Big like mansions, but built as cheap as possible so that they’re (relatively) affordable… Until they start falling apart in 15 years.
This looks like low-mid density. So much roads/wasted space and like 10 high rites do not make a high density neighborhood.
No, real estate moguls have learned that apartments and high-rise condos and hotels are more profitable than single family homes.
Sure, when zoning codes allow for them.
So you know, essentially never.
If they rezone a national park to residential it will definitely be highrise MDU.
Edit more space efficient for the NIMGC tree huggers
Why do you say that? We destroy plenty of nature and it almost always ends up single family home suburban sprawl.
Continuous grade of square footage is one factor, the suburb would have trouble with sprawl and boulder ingress
Yes, car centric suburbs have tons of problems but when has that ever stopped us? We build them in literal flood plains, and along cramped mudslide prone mountains. I’ve never heard of an empty piece of land in the middle of nowhere being zoned for high density residential in the US.
I figured the sides of the canyon would get in the way of profitability
All those people in the towers just work at the giant Walmart, which is now the attraction.
I mean fuck it, we’ve already exterminated entire biomes of species who dared to exist where we wanted strip malls, what’s another pretty geological formation?
We might be the worst neighbor in the entire universe, because we handily win that title on Earth.
Nowhere to park here 😡
Must be from California, loves to build on flood plain instead of high ground.
There’s actually a settlement down there already, they have to get their mail delivered by pack mule from the top of the canyon’s post office
But this has a massive Walmart!
What’s the Amazon deliver time?
They just throw it down the side of the cliff
The mail is all junk mail! Extended warranty on my mule??
Sounds like a perfect place to test drone delivery
They should get a giant slide. Mail slide!
I’d think a zip line would be a much more efficient method of getting mail down. Then again it could just be a case of “well the mules already go down each day so they might as well carry mail”.
I threw up in my mouth a little
Seriously though. We Europeans joke about the US a lot, but one thing I’ll always envy/admire is your National Parks. You have to protect those at all costs.
If Trump gets back in, they’ll all be leased for oil development.
Okay that is not the Grand Canyon. The is the Vermilion Cliffs which is just up river from the Grand Canyon NP.
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You created the Costco from Idiocracy.
Is this what hell is?
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
I know this is just a joke, but having at least an “alpine” or “mountain” coaster down to the bottom could save many lives.
A big zipline
They have/had that in Pittsburgh:
Flash floods?
Seasonal amusement park you say?
Sounds like an excuse to raise their rents.
But think of how cool it would look during the flash food.
Road-level parking should probably be addressed. That picture requires some touches.
But seriously, one could plan some nifty town, resisting flash floods, perhaps even utilizing them.
It might look gloriously out of this world. Only some bodies floating by might ruin it. Tourist campers upstream somewhere… Animal carcasses… Eh. Some filter, perhaps. A big mesh somewhere?