good job Kentucky, just making those groups cooler
the gay-straight popular resistance front
Literally created a Homo-Sexual Underground
Rainbow Gun Club when?
Literally did not expect anything good from the ci$$ies and they bullied a trans girl to death. them until their verbs
Doesn’t Kentucky have one of the larger lgbtq populations in the US?
you’re probably thinking of that one map that said tennessee was #1 but it turned out to be based on bad data, its actually pretty low
Fuck normies. This is what democracy gets you.
Democracy is when policy is made by the most deranged petite bourgeois ~15% of the population.
Kill all the straights. Kill all the straights. Kill all the straights
Since they have no pro teams in any sport, college basketball is pretty much the biggest obsession in Kentucky. If the NCAA disqualified teams from schools with anti-LGBTQ policies, I’m pretty sure KY would sing a different tune real quick